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A member registered Oct 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I just got to the trial part and I only have one thing to say: YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!!!!


how do you get this scene?

Well, I finally finished the main story and I'm kind of sad that the story is over, I really liked the characters, they are very charismatic, in relation to the story it's very good, the password mechanics work well and it's cool when you discover the passwords by yourself , in relation to the ending: 


Dave getting memories from other timelines was something I was already expecting but it was cool to see anyway, there were some things I wanted answered, like what the big Thatanos was, what happened to Orlando's father in the P timeline, but nothing that ruins the game in relation to Taison being the Canonical route, I'm happy and sad, I like Taison, but David and Orlando will always be canonical in my heart, excellent game.

is there any guide for this game

I loved the new chapter, I expected the new chapter to be more focused on Asterion and the MC, but this chapter made me like the other characters even more, P and Oscar are a very cute couple, and P and Themba talk about bloodborn made me want to buy a ps4 just to play hahah,  I really enjoyed the interaction between Domis (I loved the new sprites) and Khenbish, and the end of the chapter ended with a golden key, that said I can't wait for chapter 20 to arrive, It's going to be painful to have to wait, but I feel it's going to be worth it.

Will there be in-game days for us do side quests in this uptade?

I just read the Novel again after a long time, just to receive this wonderful news, I can't wait to see the continuation of the story, I can't wait to arrive Friday, this new project Sex Drive seems interesting too and you and Eddio are two very talented artists, I can't wait to see what you have been cooking for us.

Thanks, Maybe that's the reason, I wanted to see it because I decided to play again after a long time and I remember a specific scene that happened between Asterion and the MC, where the MC said that he finds Asterion's moo relaxing and the Asterion mooed right in his ear, but now, I don't know if this scene really exists or I'm going crazy, I'll try to read the beginning again to see if I can find it, thanks for the help.

Minotaur Hotel community · Created a new topic I'm Crazy?
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Ok, I decided after a long time I decided to play this masterpiece again, and in my game I came across the scene where Asterion makes his first "moo", the protagonist is surprised and asks what is that, Asterion respond and you are given two options, one of saying it's cute and the other of saying something else that I don't remember what it is, I wanted to see the other variation of the scene, but it's already my 5th attempt and this scene doesn't appear, Did anyone else have this scene or did I dream just about it?

Wait, Toby is going to get a route?

well this is what i found

Is this game censored? I'm kind of lost since all the images in my game are censored or zoomed, but looking at the comments I saw someone showing the gallery the images were not censored, do you need to be a patreon to have access to the uncensored version?

My god this novel is extremely well done, as someone who loves the monster hunter series i was very surprised with all the details put in, the characters are very charismatic and the story is very interesting, keep up the excellent work.

After reading this update I can't wait to see Tanabe confronting Yuuichi in Jun's route.

Thank you

Is there a continuation to this scenes?

if the first two are part of the main story then it must be a bug since I already did all the main quests, I tried everything to activate this achievement in mardoc at all times and nothing happened

Orveia community · Created a new topic Achievements Unlock

Does anyone know how to unlock both achievements? I've tried everything.

Orveia yes now this RRR no, what game would this be and what is the name?

Yes, the only reason i found this game is beacase a scrow down on the coments and someone ask the same as me, I never would have found this game if it weren't for that, so I'm trying my luck to see if I find another one

Could someone recommend me games similar to this one?

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How do i get this guest? i never see the characther

hey i have a question how does a quest paymant plan? And how do I get into the brothel?

Orveia community · Created a new topic Get Caught in a trap

I'm doing all the achievements in the game and one of them is getting caught in a trap, but I've tried everything and nothing, does anyone have any ideas what to do?


or both hahahah

i just finish the Lars day 9 and i can't beliave then was right hahahaha

I didn't understand what you meant

I think that the pendant is what keeps Walter's memories, and the longer he goes without the pendent, the more memories he will recover, that's why his mother tells him that he has to keep the pendant always, besides, he starts to remenber small things when you lose the pendant for the first time, as for what it will be used for I don't know it's probably the key to something (along with Mark's watch and Lars' pendant) probably that something has to do with the the fact that Walter doesn't have childhood memories, I think there's something sealed in Walter's memories, something that can't get out, that's why Walter's friends don't mention the incident to him.

That's the point i don't know, i know a few things that i can make a few theory but it's no enough to give that answer,  i dont' think they are dead, or in hell, but i think there is something supernatural there, especially with their necklace where i think it's the plot, I think the anti graham is Herbert, and here's why, on one of the days Herbert shows up, he says he does things he shouldn't be doing, I think Walter's family is related to very bad things , and I think that their father Edgar created Walter and Herbert to be his successors in whatever he does, but something happened is somehow Edgar managed to erase Walter's memory and he forgot all the training and everything his family is, and so he decided to create Herbert as his successor and Walter as his son, this makes Herbert jealous of his brother and wants to destroy him because he has everything Herbert always wanted, freedom, and so he wants to destroy everything Walter have.

and about they been the same person yeah, i was wrong, i read more of the story and i dont think they are the same, but Walter is not who he show to be.

I don't think is Helbert or Anti-graham in Gil route, but i think is his old brother, but i don't think i can't say too much since can be spoiler (i don't remenber how much content the free build have it).

I have a theory that the two are the same person, but I can't say much since it's related to the patreon build so it would be a spoiler.

how can l gat the nsfw scene for rune? for me the game just ends.

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Who is Garuik? a never see him in the game.

Maybe it's the architecture of your android, can you if your android  is 32 bits or 64 bits?


It's possible to save Diesel and his friends in this build?