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A member registered Jun 02, 2023

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hey would you like to do a an upgradable tower for the jam, i am a doing a rogue lite where you gather materials to upgrade your tower.  and i will shout you out in the creds?

yes my discord is: smashkey

I am a Game Designer, Narrative Designer and Programmer. I am looking for another programmer so that I can handle most of the world building on this project, but ready to code if needed! I prefer working in Game Maker and I am very familiar with gd script. I also have experience in unity.

We already have a composer and sound engineer so we we are looking to add a passionate artist as well to fully round out our team.

Hit me up if your interested!

I have a bunch of experience with python ui and game maker ui design. I also am a programmer / game designer / and narrative designer. I normally do everything myself besides art and sound design so i think it could be nice for us to get some experience working as a team on the codebase and you could handle art and sound design and i could handle most of the design workload after we have a quick prototype.

Hey i am a programmer / level designer/ and narrative designer. your music is amazing. i would love to collab on a 2d game in game maker!

friend me on discord Takoda#6367

Ok awesome you wanna collab soon? my discord is Takoda#6367

i need a programmer for 2d games i want to develop. i will handle all art, sound, and gameplay. would you like to work together?

i would love for you too do some concept art for one of my games in dev

hey i am looking for a unity programmer for a 2d platformer/arcade game that i am developing, i will handle prototype art, sound, and gameplay i just need programmer for mechanics and interactions

What engine do you use, I am looking to make 2d games mainly, so just looking for someone with enough coding skills to do solid prototype programming and create the main mechanics of the game

i am a game developer that is an advanced level designer and i have all the functional skills to complete a game with art work, sound, and storyline with the help of a programmer. i have a notebook packed full of unique mechanics and game logic. anyone wanna team up?

hey i am a unity game developer and level designer. i also handle main creative design, prototyping pixel art, storyline and putting a final game together. i am looking for a programmer to work with on this, u wanna team up?