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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This is so good! Antigone has always been one of my favourite tragedies and you adapted it so well. Great work ♥️

Great stuff, super atmospheric. I’m really glad you shared the soundtrack, I loved it.

That’s awesome news, thank you!

(1 edit)

This was great, I enjoyed it a lot! I played the demo and I was delighted to see the full version is already out. Really appreciated the lighter tone of the dialogues :) Worldbuilding, art and music are stunning <3 Are you planning on publishing the soundtrack? I’d love to have it :)

P.S.: the third ending 👌

I loved the worldbuilding and the demo is really promising, I will definitely come back to play the full version! Kudos <3

I loved Pentiment and this was a great review! I also hadn’t revisited the soundtrack after playing the game, but the music you used is so beautiful it made me go back and listen to the whole thing again. Thanks for making this!

Just leaving a comment to say I’m super impressed with the style and the Calvino reference in the title caught my eye 👁 Can’t wait to play it!