thanks for trying this JM
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Я очень ценю, что вы все это набрали и играли в игру много раз, спасибо! Это все, что я могу просить от игрока! Мне очень жаль, что я не запрограммировал кассету, я сделаю это для обновления в следующем месяце. Так что вы ничего не пропустили, это моя вина, вы еще не можете использовать кассету, извините, я постоянно забываю это исправить, но она будет доступна в следующем месяце!
i dont know if refreshing the browser cache would work but it might but if you dont want to try that i uploaded the game to the playtest page that i keep for it, feel free to try it there, if it asks for a password try: clue
Hello, thanks for continuing to play as well as comment!
hmmm...teleporter x vitamins, that seems like an amazing little hack you discovered there! great find! & i wouldn't think of changing that at all it seems very helpful! though cumbersome or annoying to keep doing that has to stay! (I am adding a password system to this game and in the next update there's a money boost and a stat boost available to be found in the factory)
the outside monsters were strange to me to add - i wanted the player to make it to the factory and not die to the outside monsters and travel so i purposely made it so the player could not die outside ( tho when you hit the factory you could die as soon as you stop in ) If i wanted to be thorough i would overhaul the outside code but i may just make the deaths stay in the factory, thanks for noticing that as well !
I'm not sure how many monsters i will have by the end, i want to work on other games but as this game is further along its easy to add them into this game instead of working on other games. I have a new monster type planned for the next update but no definite total number in sight. Working on a Bracken/Demogorgon style one for this month's update.
thanks for this cool comment !
i should ask how many times did it happen?, i just played on 5 day with Dani and sold the quota ok then on 3 day got caught as Casey then sold the quota ok as grace, so i think maybe you just got a bit unlucky there unfortunately.
i can check further if you tell me if it with a certain char or on 3 or 5 day or any other particulars i can try it further, i will say it's a 1/5 chance to get caught by tentacles
not weird to me, i didnt have any plans to do much more with it beyond updating the images as i keep getting ideas for new games i want to create as well as animations. I do appreciate the suggestion that does sound interesting and i appreciate people like you playing this it means alot that you even opened the game to give it a try !
thank you for coming back to play it again
this was done in twine harlowe, actually has a forward and back button built in and i removed it i guess i wanted it to be more difficult when i made it but i'm not used to making games - if games like this should be easier and more for pleasure than frustration? I'll say im happy with the number that has tried it so far so if others pass it by that's fine by me, i dont want to frustrate them but i also dont want to focus on this one game and i'm happy players like you found it and commented !
thanks for that, they both look like twine games (first taste definitely is, in the more info it has twine listed)
there is a better engine i could use for my games using twine that would allow a save button and those games used that more popular and versatile engine, thanks, if those games worked for you that is another reason for me to switch which i have been debating for months now
i appreciate those words. It's a strange little game and i enjoyed learning to code and animate by creating it. thank you for enjoying it so much
Planning another update by Christmas, fingers crossed
I was curious if you can point me to a game (preferably made in twine) that uses a save system that works for your browser so i can learn more
also have you tried playing this on mobile? im curious if you experience the same issues of the unlocked imaged resetting when playing on a phone? Today i learned that the browsers may be clearing the cache / cookies or something and that may be adjustable in the settings, but im still investigating that and making a save/load option in the game
ah unfortunately i havent had the chance to test it on a mac and havent yet learn to code save games but it's on my to do list...eventually
The tape bit is still in process also, i had alluded to making that accessible a while back but it got lost in the mix (not in the game currently)
thanks for the reminder i'll address that in the Dec update.
ah the reset/restart is meant to return the player to the beginning of the game and clear the info to start fresh but there should not be a crash effect, i can research what this type of game looks like on Mac
you've given me things to research thanks hopefully i can make the game more robust (code it properly) for other browsers and operating systems because im clearly missing things in my clunky was of game developing, and thanks for reaching out and trying this!
i do have a discord made now, i can't say i'll update it often but it is there now, thanks for asking.