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Sneaky Frames Studios

A member registered Nov 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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haha! im still here sorry the updates arent coming as fast as i'd like and i keep getting distracted with life making other art, making money watching youtube, playing with Ai, life is so distracting but im here, i'll be back on my new game and an update for this one im just not sure when but your post and the follows from others brings me back and reminds me people like my output !

Now that I know i cam make blog posts on here without tying them to the unfinished game that i don't want people to see before its half decent, i can update anyone interested more often.

appreciate the reply, it got stalled, its basically built and playable except for all the art is wireframe loose sketches.  i got bored with it for a time and had a birthday and been just doing other things unfortunately and i planned it to be done last week but just dropped the ball.

thanks for the reminder ! i do want to finish it and not be a deadbeat - will be working on it this weekend but i will also need playtesters and critiques i just don't know how to source them maybe i release a demo for feedback and the full game afterward (sorry i was thinking out loud) 

thanks for the interest and keeping me from falling asleep on it 

i don't know that one - but if you can't find the perfect game for you then you should make it ! games can be easy to make and fun once you learn the coding system/engine you like and hiring an artist or using ai art you can even make something that you enjoy playing others might enjoy it to!

appreciate you! working on one for the end of this month, its coming along slowly but it's coming along

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oh sorry, i do update the game with small improvements occasionally, yesterday or 2 days ago someone noted a bug, but i dont keep doing a change log.  not sure if i should, im new to this, but its wasnt a significant change.  i did add a minor animation 3 days ago(below).  im not sure if you can turn off notifications? but feel free to unfollow i wont be disappointed especially because i know how annoying notifications can be.

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my apologies!!! I had forgotten that I updated the character select screen in my last update and forgot to replace the line of code for ending 4 ! it's back in there now, thank you for bringing that to my attention! 

you can go through it faster by buying the walkie for each character and investigating the monsters, thanks for the heads up!

thanks for the compliments.  and ending 4 happens when you lose all 4 characters !

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you like this project/game!  I should be releasing a game/animation every month, be sure to follow me here to see what i create or on my patreon/subscribestar to play the games early as i develop them.  I will be posting another game soon hopefully at the end of this month!

Sorry this game didn't really have a tutorial or explanation but you must be good at it because ending 4 only happens when you hint: 'are really bad at the game'.  The last selfie can be seen when you try to turn in some scrap on day 1 or 2 without enough to meet the quota!  It was a static image but thanks to you it is now animated !

I want to thank you, I was unable to utilize the walkie talkie until now. So i activated it to be able to (single use) find loot or take the player through endlessly  'attracting monsters' essentially by doing nothing its an endless loop of interacting with the 6 monsters until you decide to sacrifice that character.  Now each char starts with cash to buy a walkie, key or flashlight. thanks!

ha! it was planned some sightless dogs, giants and bees to be added. I'm just not sure if and when they might be added.  If i know players are interested then i'll throw some in, thanks for the comment and thanks for playing the game!

appreciate you returning to try it ! I dont think i'll be adding to much more to the game, code wise - i think it was a test to see if i could and how i would make a game like this but im more of an artist than a coder and i think im ready to move to another project so this might just get cosmetic updates from here on out if any.  I appreciate the ideas and maybe i'll be able to add them to a future project in the beginning of development.

art looks great on this !

Appreciate that reply.  I think you have explained it well enough that I don't need to search further.  Thanks.  I may not completely agree with artist on this issue even as an artist, i appreciate you being respectful of the situation.  This particular situation - it seems close to a metallica x napster thing for me so probably the artist have some rights that are bring neglected should they want compensation and regulation.

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ive not played the game yet.  But i wanted to ask what's the problem with using AI art? its a tool to help you create !  i guess if the audience doesnt like it thats a reason to change it or your own personal tastes.

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Thank you for playing this! please give a follow to be kept updated on changes via the development logs above.  I hope to have an update this weekend with more animations!

ah thanks i didnt know in Lethal there was a timer to the bell. ive watched a few people playing but they never knew what they were doing LUL, thanks for that.

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I appreciate the feedback, ideas and the fact that you played the game.  thank you. I definitely thought about a map but i also like the silly randomness of it. 

The bell certainly is a 'feels bad' when you get there and Jeb gets a hold of you, especially on the 3rd day.  My apologies, but it is a 20% chance so i can make it a 16% or 12% instead.  The next update the game (this week) is a bit more forgiving.  I will say there should not be a time trigger at the bell.  Can you tell me more about that?

i actually made a video for that earlier today, i'll probably release it this coming week.  But if someone needs a walkthrough it means i didnt do my job as a designer/developer.  I will work on that 

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I appreciate you trying it.  Figured out how to add screenshots now :)