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A member registered Mar 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi man, thanks for playing! We're already thinking on how to extend the game longevity and we'll write down your advices too! About the projectiles, maybe an animation could make them look better? I hope you're gonna follow us to play the upcoming releases :)

Hi stumpbeard, thanks a lot for the feedback, we really appreciate it :)

We could even try to make the player decide on how to control the character maybe! We'll think about putting it in the next release, so please add the game to your collection to follow the upcoming updates :) Thanks again!

Hi man! I played, wrote feedback and rated your entry! Let me know what do you think about mine:

We've mac support too :)

Hi man! Game is cool, but it surely needs fixes on collision points. What's the engine you're using? I noticed that you put squared collision boxes even on spikes, and this makes the game too much difficult and at the same time why should you put collision points like this on spikes? I was really happy about the checkpoints tho, at least I didn't have to go back everytime ahahah

Man, this graphic is awesome! Great details, controls are a bit hard and there's some work to do on mechanics, but this is a solid base! Can't wait to see more, please keep it up, I'm looking forward for updates :)

I played it now! I really like the character design, would have liked more levels or more mechanics, but your game has a solid base, so keep developing it! I would make the HUD bigger too and the other graphics more coherent with the character's graphic. By the way, nice entry man, keep it up :)

@1PunnyGuy44 I played and rated your game too! Let me know if you like mine :)

Hi man, nice entry, played and rated!

Played your game and rated it :)

Really nice entry, the momentum mechanics are cool, and graphic's too! Would love to have it as a mobile game, I hope you'll create a build for Android, resizing the game resolution :)

Nice mechanics, try to polish the game from bugs and keep developing it man, looking forward to see more :)

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That's one of the nicest entries I've played. I actually figured it out early but I really liked the idea and the final message. Good job guys, greetings from Rome, stay safe you too!

Hi Evercloud, thanks for playing our game, we're really happy you enjoyed it :)

Thanks Freaky! Happy you liked it :)

Hi stak134, thanks for playing! What do you think would make the controls less confusing? Let us know so we can improve movements in the next release :)

Hi guys! Gonna try your games and leave feedback this evening, in the meanwhile, that's our entry:
Let me know what you think about it!

The overall graphics, effects and the mood it sets is among the best for this jam. I actually played it for a while and have been entertained by it, and that's the most important thing imho. Looking forward to see the upcoming updates on this, maybe I'll be able to go over the 11th level then, I would have loved to have some powerup options in addition. Solid entry!

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The idea is really nice, with a better graphic and some more audio effects it would have been even cooler! Waiting for updates on this :)

Game overall is good! I would have liked more variety about guns and powerups, so I'll wait for updates! Graphic of the character is good imho, the rest is not the best but it's okay for a jam :) The background music rocks! Looking forward for updates on this one :)

Game mechanics are cool, it would be interesting how a game could develop if every player had more than a character to move every turn. Looking forward to see new updates on this!

Interesting game mechanics! Making the obstacles spawn better should definitely make the game better! The mechanics of the crowd movement is really interesting, good job! Waiting for updates on this to test new versions :)

The entire graphic design is really cool, it has style! I didn't quite understand how to play at first, but then I figured it out, waiting for updates on this!

Graphic is cool, gaming possibilities could have been better! Try to develop it a little more, giving it different difficulties :)

Be sure to put everything in english too next time, as there were even foreign people in this jam (sono italiano).

Hey there, I'm getting a black screen too. Can you please upload it in full?

A little difficult to understand at first but I really liked the style of the graphics! Keep up the development :)

That's a good base for a game, keep developing it man, don't leave it like this :)

I read you don't know how to upload the browser game! Just go on the page of your game, on top left find "edit game", then scroll down where you can upload zips with your full game in it and once the file has been uploaded, check the box where "play in browser" is written. Save and you're ready to go!

Hi man, the game doesn't load, I tried on two different browsers

Hi man, thanks for the feedback! We're gonna update the bullets for sure, with an animation for the trail or a blur effect. Bullet's speed is on our list too, we're reading your feedbacks and thinking about how to make everything better, so don't forget to look at the game page for updates after the rating period ends :)

Thanks a lot for the feedback Kraft_! Me and Mateus were discussing about the possibility to put money instead of powerups-spawn after I read your comment. We're actually gonna do that! So don't forget to put the game in your collections to see the upcoming updates :)

Thanks a lot again for the idea!

Hi Marco! Thanks a lot, I'm happy you liked our game :)
Don't forget to add it to your collection to follow our upcoming updates!

You asked for it, we made it! Coming soon in the next update, after the submissions period ends :)

Ahahahah that's for sure a 5/5 for Theme, right?

I hope you enjoyed the game man, if you have any idea to improve it be sure to tell us! Thanks for the screenshot :)

Thanks for the compliments, Lubaka! Difficulty curve is for sure the first thing to fix after this jam to make the game enjoyable. Don't esitate to give ideas to make it more balanced or difficult in the late-game! I'll be happy to know what you guys would do to make it better :)

Thanks again for the feedback!

Sanjuro, thanks a lot for the feedback! The turrets cap/planet's health relation could really work, I'll test it for sure to see if it improves the gameplay! By now the cap should be around 25 if I recall correctly. Maybe I should just delete the last upgrade for the turrets, 5 bullets for each turrets may be too much ahahah

Thanks again for the feedback, I hope you'll follow the next updates to give us further feedbacks!

Hi Qu0d0! Thanks for the precious feedback! The bullets gets faster when you pick up the yellow Bullet-Speed boxes. It's still one of the things I didn't know how to calibrate. I'll try making it even faster then!

Visual indicator for the aiming is a really good idea, I'll implement it for sure just after the period of rating finishes!

Be sure to add the game to the collection to check it for the coming updates, thanks again :)

Totally true! That's even subjective, I could even let it be a function that you can turn off in the options. Thanks for giving me the idea :)

Loved the atmosphere and the graphics! As others pointed out, try putting some nice puzzle to give it a goal, even just like some objects that you've to find all over the map!

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Thank you for the feedback Rompkins! I'm really happy you enjoyed our game.

Camera shake is activated only when asteroids collide with the planet, putting a shake on every asteroid destroyed may be too much, but I'll be sure to make explosions bigger, that's a great idea actually, thanks a lot :)

As I said before, can't wait to see the updates on your game!

Thanks man! I'm really happy you liked it that much! Don't forget to add it to collection to come back and see the coming updates :)