Much appreciated, thanks for the quick response! Enjoyed the game a lot. Can't wait to play protoViolence soon!
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I don't know whether it's related to the latest update or not, but when I complete the plushie puzzle and see the scene immediately afterward, the textbox remains on screen and persists through all game states afterward including new puzzles and Game Over.
Had an absolute blast playing the demo. So much so that I only played the Monday portion because I wanna have even more to dig into once the game's finished.
This was seriously amazing. The style is incredible, the writing is snappy as hell, the music fits so well. The entire tone of what you're doing here is PERFECT. I really can't wait to see how all this winds up.
Best of luck on the rest of development. I'll be eagerly waiting to play day one.
I was curious if it'd be possible at any point (or if there's a way to edit the files being used) to change the colors on specific asset parts such as the collar and sleeve cuff colors on clothing like the dress currently in the program.
Completely understandable if it's not planned, possible, or a priority. It's not a deal breaker at all, but just thought I'd ask.
Really enjoy having this version of my VTuber so thanks for the program :)
Played through this over the weekend and I was just non-stop delighted at the 90's fantasy OVA energy and writing. The plot is self-contained and compact with just enough of intrigue past the ending to leave you wanting more, but still feeling satisfied. The characters are a brilliant mix of well written believable people, but their interactions also end up intensely funny a lot of the time too.
The presentation obviously speaks for itself, and the writing/prose is absolutely top shelf in every way. It's hard to really find much to complain about with this game. I simply enjoyed every time I got a chance to sit down and read through a chapter.
This is a game that I honestly can't believe I paid nothing for. I almost feel like I got away with something having not paid for it.
An absolute gem for anyone needing a good short VN that's still very fleshed out and charming.