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A member registered May 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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I like the concept of playing with two characters, I just wish there were more ways for the two to interact besides jumping on each others' heads. I liked the expectation subversion in level 4 though c;

Nice concept, was a bit hard to pick up though. You might want to put in a more substantial tutorial/explanation segment in the game.

Yeah, I didn't have much time to work on the game this weekend, I had a lot of things I had in mind to implement (like audio) that I didn't have time to make. Thanks for the review!

Very nice art! 

Fun and very different game. It fits the theme perfectly and is probably the most innovative game I've played out of the submissions.

Really nice simple visuals, awesome sound, and a good gameplay to go with it. My favorite entry that I've played so far.

I like the artstyle, the grapple moves a bit fast imo but the gameplay was in general vert fun.

Nice game, I'm not sure how incredibly relevant it is to the theme but its fun and feels good.