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solar lightshow

A member registered Jan 31, 2024 · View creator page →

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think that would be real good! Looking forward to seeing it w even more polish!

What can I say, town building sims are my jam! And this is quite the visually pleasing one too boot! 

I think the main thing is how easy it is to get softlocked. In one of my playthroughs the mine seemed to need more people to work there, so i can get more coal however I ran out of coal to build a house to get another person, so was just sorta stuck (atleast that's how I understand it). In games like banished you can directly dictate where the villagers are working and what one, so if you ran out of people to work the mines you can just take a bunch of builder to go do that, perhaps a system like that is worth looking into?

Nonetheless this was great fun, good job!

Fun game! I like the putting a bunch of random assorted things and trying to make 'something' (it does not look like a bridge...) with it! The narrative context to go along with that makes it all the more engaging. 

If the gameplay itself is polished more (dragging things feels a tad slow and unresponsive, when you rotate things it uses the mouse as the pin so sometimes it goes a bit haywire as a pencil makes a much bigger than rotation) it would be really good! And also add a control z pls, i was dragging the final building a little big so i have more space on one side but accidentally deleted it... My beautiful creation, gone forever...

The game has a simple and clear style, and easy to understand controls which helps make the puzzles satisfying and have freedom for lateral thinking. The premise of having three boxes in varying sizes fit in designated goal zones allows for some creative solutions that made me go "ahaaa" once solved. Keeping it self contained to eight puzzles allows the novelty and the charm to remain strong, and each puzzle offers a great challenge that allows me to experiment and play around with what's given - which is little, but that in itself makes it a very stimulating and enjoyable puzzle game. I think the overall direction it's going for is strong as sometimes - especially for puzzles, simplicity and clarity goes a long way. If you were to expand this game, by adding more puzzle stages with varying degrees of complexity, having a hint system would be a long way, but honestly, it's a suggestion I can live without happily and the game right now is satisfying and stimulating.

Oh this was a joy to play! Using the keys to literally make platforms is such a neat way to make you think about exactly what you have to press, actually pressing it and creating a little tune in the process. Up untill I died i did not acutally realise there is no floor, or rather that the floor kills you what with it being the same colour as the floating blocks. I think with more polish and variations of the core loop this would be a really neat game!

Really enjoyed it! Tingling of the scales as they hit each other or when you put it into a place was really nice, combined w the soothing colours was quite the relaxing experience!