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A member registered May 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I will definitely check this one out very soon! Looks very atmospheric 👍

Hi! Sorry for the delay but really enjoyed the game so far - I hope the story gets explained more and that the puzzle variety increases as Maya gets deeper into the island etc; but it's beautiful to play and I am looking forward to the full release!! :)

Vid below:

Filipe, thank you for the reply, very great of you to engage this way :)

Glad to hear the movement is being tweaked - just a smoother experience there will make all the difference i feel.

The puzzles themselves work fine, just made awkward due to the movements. The dog puzzle included. No problem with it but again, would seem more 'fluid' with smoother movements.

As I said before, I really look forward to the progress as it comes along and will certainly take an active interest in reporting back!! :)

The overall feel of this game is wonderful.

Ollie (SoloShock)

I really love the narrative, art style, aesthetics and musical score - just superb. 

But i can't shake the feeling this would play out better if a full on visual novel and you ditched the slightly awkward feeling mechanics of gameplay / puzzle sections. They feel clunky compared to the dreamlike relaxing approach to the theme.

Don't get me wrong - these are just my personal thoughts! Wouldn't want anyone put off and missing out on the story :) and will certainly be keeping an eye on this.

This looks really interesting - going to give this one a look today; upcoming feature highlight on my channel to follow!

Back with my thoughts sooooon :)

Nicola, this is sad news! I had not noticed that the funding wasn't quite getting there... 

Cannot believe only 10 of us from are supporting you. 

Come on people's!!! The community is better than that :) 

I'll do all I can to spread the word. 

No problem, really enjoy engaging like this - even if only one thing I highlight back means you can take something positive or fix a bug etc  Not to mention I'm enjoying the progress!! 

Great stuff Neil!

 I'll be sure to let you know what i think on the next update. Yay! :)

Hey Neil, sorry for not coming back sooner; but just to say love the new look. I did like the doom and gloom eyes in the dark aspect of the original but this is more approachable; the card and gui style on the update is great - and the monsters! Would be great to see 3 differing monster models moving forward of course - and what location are we heading to next in our journey of survival! Could we find a car but need to obtain 5 parts to fix her up maybe? etc 

Thanks again and I will be sure to keep in touch! 

(1 edit)

This is truly wonderful. I too grew up with Guybrush and his antics and fondly remember the humor of Day Of The Tentacle and of course enjoyed the mystery Broken Sword series. There is certainly still a place for these adventures today! Thimbleweed park most recently shows us this.

Congratulations on all you have acheived so far. For one man, the quality of this output is superb!! 

I cannot wait to see more and am firmly strapped in for the journey. Off to back now of course :)

My channel is very new and i've just started my journey on YouTube but I will certainly highlight this swiftly before the campaign ends - if it get's you one more backer it will have been worth it!!

Looking forward to the full release Sander. Do you have a date firmed up? :)

Superb! Thanks for the message, will definitely check it out later 👍

Thank you for the reply. I absolutely I will spread the word! 

Totally undertstood regards improvemnts - fully expected with alpha/beta demos or teasers :) - I  feel feedback will always be a benefit to the development focus. 

I must check out your other title next!

All the best

Enjoyed this demo very much, now about to go back that Kickstarter!

I do think some defending against the enemies would be good (appreciate could be a later unlock) as it was the only clunky bit about this game! ;)

Best of luck! 

ps. perfect controller support for me, xbox one official controller

Really lovely game! Enjoying so far thanks and well done!

One minor bug found, when first talking to Ginger the text overruns the box slightly.

RIght, I better get back to the island!! :)

Wonderful news! :) 

Really excellent concept - I would love to see this expanded upon. Superb stuff sir!