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Joan Sol ROO

A member registered Nov 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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As usual, an excellent entry ! nailed the theme+limitation, and I love the art style!
Mouse sensitivity is a bit high, everything else is spot on! great job dude !

No worries, the fact you submitted is already a great milestone, specially if you were learning GODOT.

And yeah, a web build is always preferable, a lot more people will test your game (easier, and safer).

super crisp! very nice work on the art and sound!
The capture button was not working (I think), but I think I see the potential.

I love some good space exploration, and this has all the key components, good work!

Excellent game! like the minigames, and the general vibes and art style!

I think i am either not clever enough, or found a bug (img)
Anyhow, mega good job!

Fishing giant monsters in space, clever!
The controls are a bit confusing, but hey, you are floating in space.

I think you would gain a lot from some sound FXs
Very nice in general, good work!

Hey! unreal builds are big, but 451MB looks like a debug build
I recommend you build a release one, so more people will play it

from: me@thismightbeascam.net
Very nice twist in the theme and limitation, plus a cute ambient and a nice narrative
great job!

Super cute art, and a good use of the limitation!

silly and well polished!
the ridiculousness of the bonk sounds, plus the second phase are great!
good job!

Congratz! A lot of content, the controls and the look are quite polished, good job!

Nice twist in the theme, and I like that the optimal way of movement is wiggling your mouse around!

Good job

Nice art! A puffer fish is a very good thematic choice, and the pixelart looks crisp
That said, the boss combat might be bugged

Good job!

First time? well, it was great!

good spooky pixelart!

Very nice, minimal but solid! 
Could probably scale well to some mini variety

Gave me downwell vibes

Ok, noted!
Having some feedback (particles / sound) for what works and what does would go a long way.

My god! got progressively better! ending on a high note! 
Excellent work!
✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ 

The ambiance is great, cute and nice music
Very clever mechanic (even if i was quite lame at it), i see the potential of platforming without walking!

(1 edit)

The game is BEAUTIFUL, i could see a full cooking game using this style
The mechanics were a bit confusing, not sure if I was doing things wrong,
I managed to get half a salmon fillet, without spindles, is that the end of the demo?

Excellent work, super pretty and with tons of potential

Ok, I gave it a try anyway, and damn I almost miss a gem!
The retro3d, those floppy fishes and the gore all work very well together, and that music too! 

Excellent job! I recommend you try to fix the godot signature issue, so more people can play this game !

Wow, nice! solid art and sound design!
I think you have a good match with the theme, too.

The game difficulty could use more depth, but it is quite good as it is!

Good job !

(Your godot game is reported as dangerous, maybe you need to do something to sign it?)

Also, for submissions, I recommend you create an itch project, so you can have an additional description.

I tried it, I quite like the art, but I am not sure how to interact.

(1 edit)

Hello! We cannot play your game :(
When submitting a unity game, you need to .zip the containing folder (with all the data and assets), not only the exe

Poke me if you reupload, the concept sounds great!

Nice concept, I got 4 ballons

So brave to do a full jam submission using SDL, in only 3 days!


I want to play it!
your game was marked as dangerous both by Chrome and Windows Defender.
Any idea why?

File:Farmer meme with apostrophe.jpg - Wikipedia

thanks! <3

Thanks! noted, i will see what I can do about that next iteration

Amazing! beautiful as always, and the design goes perfectly with theme+limitation.
And hey, you made a full game loop, plus the art, in EIGTH HOURS?!!

cool ! glad you liked it

Thanks! yeah you are right! I havent jammed in a while so I went for something that would made me happy to build, instead of something that could fit in a jam...

Excellent concept and implementation, congratz!

GG !
No need for tweening when you can just break people's eyes !

It's Something | Know Your Meme

Thanks for playing!
There were additional mechanics related to the main character being magnetic, but we decided to cut them out because of time constraints (plus the ones coded and removed were detrimental to de fun)

Hey! Huge thanks for the support !!
Glad you enjoyed it. It got prettier but the balance needs work, especially as now you cannot spend your gold in upgrades.
I have been mega busy lately, I hope I can get back to it.
If you have the time, could you give your take on the difficulty progression? Do the new piece variety is positive or negative?

Again, thanks x1000