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Somber Kitten

A member registered Feb 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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The idea of making a co-op game was an interesting take on the theme, but the fact that you can't play alone makes it difficult to rate when you don't have a friend to play with! It would be nice to have a single player mode along with the co-op mode! 

I'm wondering if you uploaded the right file, because the game I ended up playing was a janky shooter where geometric shapes were instantaneously killing me and my character was very difficult to control! Was this the intended game? Also there was a bug in the game file where the "data" folder wasn't properly named and made it impossible to load the game without changing the name of the folder first. 

Ok, I actually got a real good jumpscare from the pursuer appearing right as I was trying to figure out the controls! Dunno if that was intended, but that sure ratcheted up the tension for me! It sure helps that high school settings immediately make things much scarier for me! Afterwards, I thought it was pretty simple and straightforward in terms of gameplay, but overall I did like it and the pursuit did feel tense for a short while. It would probably be useful for the keys to have more use than just be a redundant way of opening the main doors, but I figure that's where the short dev time made things difficult. I think with more time it could be a very interesting game! 

Hey! Thank you so much for this kind comment! It's really appreciated!

Thank you for this comment!

Aww, I'm glad you liked playing the game! Thank you for the comment. And I do agree about the content warning.

Hey thank you for the comment! We do have a content warning on the game page, but for sure I agree we could use one within the game itself! 

(1 edit)

I wish I could have played this game through, but the mouse sensitivity made me nauseous :(

Otherwise it looked super promising!

Short and sweet! 

I think this could be made more fun by having a bit more of a challenge and clearer goals. Sure the ghost tells you where to go, but it doesn't seem obvious at all why you'd want to go to those places, nor what the goal of the game is.  There character is waaay too slow, and it feels like you're just randomly wandering in a mostly empty map (some music might help set the mood too). There was also some issues of voice lines overlapping each other. Some of the lines were funny though! Overall much potential, but needs work!

Very simple game, but walking on a desolate moon really did make you feel lonely, especially with the accompanying music. Goofy ending, which I absolutely loved.  Could have been nice to have an actual use for the flashlight. Overall, nice job!

Love me some good old text adventure with a fun twist! Nice job!