You are welcome! It was nice to play it
Somos de Amstrad
Recent community posts
I am loving to play this game. The aquatic parts remind me of The New Zealand Story. The music is great. There are some bugs to correct but it is quite challenging (sometimes you get trapped in the narrow underwater paths). I love the graphic style and the exploration, looking for keys... all the elements of the classic platformers of the 80s. I reached the third level... How many levels does it have?
I love this game. Since the graphic style (which reminds me the first era of CPC games) to the lovely music that fits perfectly to the game. Platformers with some exploration and not too many pixel perfect jumps or moves are some of my favorite games so I am loving it. I see some inspiration in the aquatic levels of The New Zealand Story as well. Congrats to the developers 👏👏👏👏
Ohhhh Bueno, intentaré grabarme una cinta con el CDT... 13 dias es muuuuuuucho. De cualquier forma daros la enhorabuena! He visto varios videos y me parece un juego excelente con un gran diseño y muy buena combinación de ideas (y como siempre musicón de McKlain). Cuando lo juegue pondré un comentario más completo.