Very cute game! I love the premise and the gameplay is very satisfying. I love the music style too. All in all really well done!
Sonorous Mic
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Really really incredible work! This game is such a blast to play. Hitting/getting hit feels very visceral and tactile; I'm not exactly sure how to put it but playing the game feels very satisfying. The gameplay itself is also great, and the upgrades after each level are fun and varied enough to make me want to try multiple builds (my favorite of which still being extra wall-bounces and bullets splitting on hitting a wall, it's so chaotic!) The music and sound design are also really wonderful and very professional. The music style reminds me very much of Hades, one of my favorite OSTs, and I think it fits the vibe of the game perfectly! Super fun game, great work to everyone involved!
This game was super charming! The puzzles were very engaging and some were pretty difficult (or maybe I'm not very good at puzzle games) and the music and sound design were great! I love the fact that as you progress and erase all the memories, the music gets stripped back and taken apart piece by piece, it's a really lovely touch! Really well done!
Very fun! I like that there are 2 objectives, the per hand score and the cumulative score, so when I had a rough streak trying to beat the per hand score it still felt like I was making progress. My high score was 213,840 before needing to tap out! Really well done on the game, the music and SFX fit perfectly and it was overall a very fun game to get lost in for a while!