I constantly hoard around equipable items, but never find any use for them because there is no reliable level up system asside from the only way via RNG potions.
If a level fails to generate any during a run.
You are screwed. (literally)
Buffs go away way too quick to make good use of them on a very far away distance from other rooms. I'm talking about regeneration and life steal.
The Elephant in the room is the big Minotaur himself.
You will meet him during a run, without proper gear or preperation he will take 90% of your health.
You can kill him without worries via combustion wand.
But you have to use up all 3 uses of it before he goes out.
And once you use up the wands, there is no other way to recharge them.
Sure there exists a recharge ring you might say, but it only recharges tomes, not wands.
Cue the *I don't want to play with you anymore moment*
I only got as far to the magma level, better luck next time.
A member registered Jun 17, 2020 · View creator page →
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