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A member registered Nov 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much we're blushing ! That's so nice of you, we're happy you've enjoyed our silly little game ! <3

Merci ! Oui, c'est super frustrant de se faire bloquer par ses sbires. Je suis par contre assez calé en navmesh et en pathfinding pour résoudre ce problème haha

I'm blushing stawp ! Thank you so much, your game is great :)

Thank you so much for your kind words ! 

Merci pour les retours ! Je suis complètement d'accord avec le manque de feedback, on a repéré le bug abuse sur la fin de la jam (toujours aucune idée d'où ça vient hahaha). 

Si on sort une nouvelle version, je ferais les correctifs ! 

Merci pour ton intérêt. 

Oh thanks a lot that's nice <3 

Yeah, would definitely see more witty and sarcastic jokes in the game "... as usual" hehehe

Haha, merci beaucoup d'avoir testé ! 

On a pas trouvé d'équivalent anglais au jeu de mot, mais on l'a gardé quand même pour la gloire hehe

Thanks a lot ! 

Thank you, nice score ! 
Unfortunately, adding save management would be a lot of work for us for the timespan :( 

Pretty simple yet efficient proposal. Nice ambience overall, good job ! 

Nice implementation of the theme and good entry overall, but a bit too hard for my liking. Some levels are nice, others are just too hard to grasp. 

Good job for this entry. 

Great theme implementation, but felt like the shovel could've been used for something else. It felt like you were just switching lever, not digging or something like that. 

Overall good graphic quality and nice simple proposal. Good job. 

So sweet of you, thanks ! Yes we thought about having different types of zombies (ranged, protectors, healers, casters etc ...) you can summon to manage your army and even some powers for the zombie leader, but we decided to cut it short for the game jam time. 

Will keep you informed if we decide to expand on that idea one day ! 

Thanks again for your interest.

Oh my, thanks a lot for the kind review. We're happy you enjoyed the experience and the artstyle ! Thousand thanks. 

Hehe, thanks a lot overlord ! 

Thank you ! :D 

A fun puzzle game with some nice ideas, definitely solid proposal. The understanding curve can be a bit harsh at first, but once you get it it goes smoothly.

Very good entry, nice job ! 

Pretty good entry for the worktime (1.5h !). The hitboxes can be a bit janky, but good job for that performance. 

Damn great entry. A fun little chill casual game that I would love to see expanded as full. Great ambiance, good flow, artstyle is awesome and definitely one of the best submission around here so far. 

Amazing job ! If you expand your idea make sure to keep us informed. 

Nice and simple (a bit too simple ?) but good proposal for the special object overall. Love the audio. And the small dialogue is a nice touch that made me care for those two. 

Goob job ! 

Simple and efficient game. Maybe lacking on stronger feedback on attack and damage and the Z key is very hard to use as others pointed out. 

Good theme entry ! 

Merci beaucoup ! On est en train de tester tous les jeux, le tien m'a directement accroché (j'adore le narratif hehe), je le teste dans la journée. 

Awesome art style and good special object response. 

Unfortunately, I didn't understood quite well how I can bring back friends home. You have to be very careful with them on your head and you can "stuck" yourself a lot by digging too much. 

One of a good way to get around that would've been to be able to fill the dirt to create staircases and to make your friends stay sticky on your head (but maybe not being able to do other actions than jump and move while doing that).

Great artistic entry.  

Simple, efficient and straigthforward game. The proposal is maybe lacking of a bit of variety in the long play, you could've added another element of stress (like a more active enemy maybe ?) or other actions available to the player, like swapping between the dog (detect victims) and the master (open passages, move obstacles etc ...). 

Overall good entry, good job. 

Neat gimmick and mechanic, fitting minimalism artstyle and overall great theme response.
On the downside, not a fan of the audio and even if the gameplay is very solid, it's maybe missing a bit of "fun", would've love to see more humoristic elements to rhythm the overall experience. 

Very solid entry, great job ! 

That's weird, is it playing the intro cinematic ? We have an mp4 playing at launch, maybe that's a codex issue 

Thanks ! 

Thanks a lot ! Yeah, the balancing isn't really top notch, but we're glad you had fun anyway ! <3