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A member registered Oct 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and feedback!

The game's definitely difficult, pretty much everyone struggles for their first few matches until they "get" the timing. 

Having to get to the ball in time (and that being tricky depending on the angle) is pretty much the core of the game though. In particular I really like having to decide between maybe getting a good hit vs taking the 'safe' route and just bodyblocking.

It's tricky to make it easier to get started while still maintaining that balance.  Having better animations will probably help, at least.
Did you have trouble blocking it with your body or mainly when swinging? Increasing those hitboxes is something I've been considering.

Thanks for playing!
I think having the meter above players would be a bit too visually distracting, but I do want to try maybe having sound cues when bars are filled

Thanks! I'm glad you like it, even if you're a filthy smasher. I think the timing gets a bit easier over time but it's definitely an initial hump.


I added a new button and messed up the controls in the tutorial as a result, I should really go through and fix it but it's the kind of thing that easily gets out of date.

> For example, I'd hit the ball straight ahead, and the AI would run up and block, and this would repeat 5 times until I scored. I'm not sure what conditions led to this, because it didn't happen every time.

Yeah, that can happen if it gets stuck in blockstun. I suppose I should make it "give up" after a certain point since you're clearly not going to mess up - that or dash backwards instead. It looks pretty silly, and I think the other parts are pretty natural

Thanks for playing! The timing is tricky at first.

I definitely want to add different more interesting stages, the current "arena" is just drawing with debug lines, basically.

I'm actually not sure what's updated in this version

Hi! I'm planning on it eventually, but don't have a linux machine at the moment and I don't want to just blindly cross compile. That being said, it's been tested a bunch in both wine and proton and seems to work very well, the opengl requirements are low.