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Pressure is supposed to come in with the police hot on your tail, problem is it's too easy to dodge the police IMO.
That and there's no real consequence for police notice, and overall I don't feel.... Stakes you'd emaciate with running a cult ya know? For a better example of how something like this could work, even though it's not an incremental per say... Look at Cultist simulator, that game actually has the pressure you feel as a cult leader through and through
Actually it didn't, I actually downloaded this, and, after a bit of pain trying to get certain files to work due to folders they needed not existing on my machine.... I managed to get a version with that single line changed to just asking for vue rather than vue@next.... And what do ya know? I managed to play and beat the game.
Well crap, got it to work and... This has the potential to be better than even Grove IMO. It, pretty much fixes so many problems I've had with kink-based games and how gameplay felt almost squandered a bit for the kink elements. THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN HERE. I actually, had FUN doing the gameplay portions, not feeling bored, slowed down, or generally overly hindered between sex scenes/general story scenes. I think I'm partly biased with gameplay overall since, it does have a slight PMD feel and, I'm a bit of a fan of that series, but even that feels slow compared to this. GG guys. GG.
Played this, and I remembered a pretty bad example I played recently, Scribblenauts. Really it fails on, a lot of context stuff, but purely on character awareness? Well: some puzzles can be solved by unnecessary violence, resulting in scared NPCs overall, only for that scared NPC to then go,"Take my starite shard, hero!" Tied into that, characters can end up in horrific pain basically because you gave them a harmful version of the item they wanted, and you still get rewarded for it by them. There are times when you wanna yell at the game because it feels like the charaecters in the world don't understand that an item you made is an exact replica of the one they wanted, ETC. I honestly could write my own, possibly kind of long, essay about how Scribblenauts is just, an absolute trainwreck of it understanding what the player can do character and story awareness wise, resulting in a game that REWARDS the player for going against the wholesome message of the game,"Help others in need." I'm kind of surprised it wasn't included in some ways because of how bad it is for this stuff.
Nope. guide didn't work, because, there is no file. Heck, not even my copy of Grove has a file like that for it, it's just the NW file and the (unstable) Raw game file. Even when I got Gconf, it still didn't open,and it still sent the errors from the previous pictures. Also didn't need it for Grove either, and that's been working wonderfully on my system. Attached is what I see in my main directories of both Grove and Prowler on my computer.
So, I did get the right version for my OS (Linux version), No, my PC does not have any cloud services on it at all, also I have no external drives my computer uses, it's just my normal drives. Also, I made sure to extract everything before playing. Double clicking on it does nothing, however opening in the terminal does give a ton of errors, as seen below (Pic partly censored due to me naming my user account my IRL name) Hope this helps, thanks!