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A member registered Jul 31, 2018

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Are you planning on having any of the enemy types move through the rotating floor/wall panel as well?    And have you considered having the player jumping out of the top of the screen as part of their jump arc rather than pinning them to the upper limit.

Aside from that, as always it is coming along really nicely.

Nicely done doc.

I had a blast playing this. It is a simple concept but quite fiendish at times. Definitely well worth purchasing and adding to your collections.

I've used CBMTransfer (part of the OpenCBM suite) along with a XUM1541 type hardware interface to read and write D64 disks before.

(1 edit)

Got to level 3, but died twice as I clipped through the edge of the green chequered platform in trying to jump onto it.  Hard as nails does not even begin to describe this! Good effort though heh :)