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A member registered Nov 23, 2015

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(2 edits)

I got an "Ad starting" countdown in the lower right corner and then the screen went black and then nothing... Can't continue the game...  No ad blocker enabled.

EDIT:  Fixed it in Firefox by disabling "Enhanced Tracking Protection".  But it was annoying that I had to restart the game every time and play through to that section until I found the correct thing to disable.

(1 edit)

When you exit the first stall, and then type "behind", the first time you see a humanoid creature in the stall to the left, but then when you type "behind" again, it is no longer there.  What is that?

A.I. could have won, but instead prioritized blocking me from winning.



One word...buttons.

I like the game but only played the web version for 15 minutes and already got it to freeze up twice by just dragging the blocks at the wrong time.

I appear to be having this problem now with the web version, I guess it hasn't been fixed?

Yes, using the web version here on itch, and cannot get rid of him, and also could not add the mime afterwards, as well as not able to control Fito in the battles, it just skips him.

Thanks for the reply and the games!

Is there any difference later in the game between "defeating" Pinocchio with the bra or the pan?

Thanks!  I didn't think you were allowed to fix things until after the Jam ended, although I guess this is a minor thing.

(1 edit)

I see you entered your game in Pixel Jam!  Nice!  Good luck!!  I guess it's too late for the Jam, but I just wanted to remind you that there is still a bug in the current version (at least for me).

Start the game, then walk out and get killed by something, then select "Main Menu".  Instead of going to the main menu it just exits the program.  Also, selecting "Exit" does nothing.

So it looks like the "Main Menu" option does what "Exit" should, and the "Exit" option does nothing.

Again, good luck in Pixel Jam!!!  I am sure your game will do very well!

(1 edit)

Hmm. not working for me.

One of the guys in the game talks about the "frontier" which I assume is north of the NW wall, is it possible to go there, or is that not in the game?

Ah, so there are hidden caves.  I only knew about the passage with the cracks in the wall that you open with the grenade.

So I got the bone, but using "e" on the dog house does nothing new.  How do I give the bone?

Cave by the cemetery?  I looked all around the cemetery (which drones seem to like way too much) and can't find what you mean.  Is it a hidden cave or one of the regular "indoor" areas?

(1 edit)

The after-death change is not working for me, or at least I am still inadvertently selecting one of the options on the menu when I was in a firefight just before dying.  Also, like I said, selecting the "Main menu" option results in the program exiting/crashing now (it didn't on the older version).

That's too bad about having to remove those elements from the game, it makes it a little confusing not knowing if you missed something or not, but at least now I know.  :-)  Did you also remove the bone/doghouse thing?  I saw that in the ALPHA video of the game.

Gameplay is king, and I think you've done a great job!  If you can make a small, efficient game like this that packs as much gameplay as this does, you are doing it right.

(2 edits)

No, I don't have a YouTube channel.

I've actually played the game and finished it several times now.  I see that the money/gold is not really needed once you get the hang of the game, unless you want to change the color of your guy or your horse .  Or if you want the car, but I haven't really found a good use for it as it is too fast and unwieldy (but perhaps there is a secret use?).

I think placing the pizza place right near the free water kind of defeats the purpose.  Who's going to pay when they can run over a little ways and get it for free?

I'm also wondering what the purpose of the Benio? Dog house? Near your "home" is.  I haven't been able to figure that one out.  (I think I saw in the video of the ALPHA there was a dog bone, but I haven't found one of those.)

One other question I did have is did you mean to use the word "Diner" instead of "Dinner"?  It seems like "Diner" makes more sense.

I am very impressed with what you have accomplished!  It is really a very good game, and could be great with a bit more to do, like missions and stuff.  You have the basics for a great game here.

Did you make this game using your own engine?  I'm particularly impressed with the size of the executable compared to how much game is included.  15MB for this game seem ridiculously small considering how nice it is and it also seems very resource efficient.  If I alt-tab to use other program while it's running, I barely even know it's still there (which is good because there is no save-game feature).  This is not the case with so many other games that use standard game engines that seem to be very inefficient.

EDIT: Just realized you are using Clickteam Fusion for the game engine, seems like a pretty good tool.

(5 edits)

Thanks for the update.  There still seems to be a problem with if you die and press the mouse button (to shoot) it can select an option from the menu that results in losing your checkpoint.  Also, if you select "Main menu" it seems to crash instead of going to the menu.

The guards shooting at baddies may not be as helpful as I thought, since they are just as likely to hit me as the baddie :-).

EDIT:  Also wanted to mention that at one point I jumped off the horse as he was going full speed and he kept going and ended up getting stuck in the wall.  I got back on him but could not move.  After dying he was by the checkpoint and I could ride him again.

Also forgot to mention that even before this update I did manage to "finish" the game but I was wondering what the aircraft at the extreme north was for, as I don't think I did anything with it (at least I can't recall doing anything).  The guard said that they were awaiting my signal, but after doing what he said, did not remember seeing them do anything.

EDIT2:  Also, I was unable to enter the building that is NE of the center of the map, I guess I am missing a key card or something?  How do the key cards work?  I currently have two of them.

One other thing, can you restrict the mouse pointer to the screen?  It seems like the pointer goes beyond the edges of the screen and it can be difficult to make it come back on the screen.

(3 edits)

Nice game!!!

I have some comments...

If you die without setting a checkpoint, your checkpoint is set inside the starting building.  If you load that checkpoint, your horse is also now inside the building.  Is there a way to get him out?

If you are in a heated battle and die, you may unexpectedly click the item that ends the game.  There should be either a confirmation, or a delay before it accepts entry to pick one of those options.  If I am clicking to shoot my gun and that click instead selects the item that ends the game due to dying suddenly, it means I lose all my progress.

You lose a lot of gold/money when you die and there does not seem to be a good way to "farm" gold/money easily.  Maybe make an option where you can pick up your gold where you died or make the penalty less severe?  Perhaps there is a way to get gold/money that is easier that I don't know about, or maybe you want to make the game even harder for people who are already having a hard time? :-)

When I get near/in a town all the guards constantly aim at me, makes me feel so special, but doesn't seem all that realistic.  Also, if I am being chased by drones or other baddies I think the guards should help me out by shooting them instead of just acting like they aren't there.

Thanks again for the game and reading my comments!

Is it a "hunted village" or "haunted village"?

This brings back memories!  I used to own the real-life physical version of this game as a kid...  Now I'm wondering if I still have it somewhere stashed in the attic...

Ah, nice!  I was just thinking that it would be the same as any other square where it revealed the positive/negative values e.g.: "+1/+1".  Maybe move the  money revealed to the top of the square so that this line appears in the same position as it does on all the other square (on the bottom of the square).  I'm not sure about having it be a single number that can mean either positive/negative (or both combined).  It seems like you might be moving towards a "buy" system which sounds cool, so maybe the first time you buy it, you get just the one number, and then if you pay a little more, you get that number split between the positive/negative numbers.

That sounds great!  I look forward to seeing it!


Just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying playing this "game" and was wondering if there was going to be any further development on it?  I see that it hasn't been updated in about 5 years, so I am guessing not.

The reason I put "game" in quotes is that there is currently no end goal, as you can just play forever without any end or consequence for playing badly.  In fact you could probably have a chicken pecking the squares and buttons and eventually they would have a huge amount in the bank :-)  (okay, this is exaggerating a bit, but I hope you understand what I mean).
Has there been any thought in to adding a goal?

One thing I was thinking is that you can be given a limited number of "Cash out/Restart" button presses (in other words, a certain number of new boards) in order to reach a certain bank account level.

Another feature that I think might be nice is to have the ability to click on a green box to reveal the number of surrounding green/red boxes. This should be limited, perhaps, to one per board, or to a certain number of times per game (if the game is set to a maximum of 5 boards to get to $2,000, perhaps you can use this feature three times during the entire 5-board session).  This can be helpful to avoid some of the "guessing" that would otherwise be required.  Perhaps also have the ability to do this on revealed red boxes as well...

Anyway, I was looking for fun variations on Minesweeper and this one was the only variation that was anything like this.  The only other variant that I found enjoyable were the few that allow multiple mines in the same box.  There are so many Minesweeper clones that just do the basic Minesweeper.  Seems like such a waste of resources to make the same game over and over.  Thanks for thinking outside the box and providing a new and fun experience!

There were 200 codes sent to just people who already own the game on (at least that's what it appears to be).  How many of those people own an Android device?  I suppose it's possible for all codes to be used after 40 hours or so, but  I'm guessing this was re-posted somewhere else, or the codes were gobbled up by a bot account.

All the keys are used, at least every one I tried, too bad...

I tried to redeem it but all the ones I tried have already been redeemed by someone else...

Thanks.  I was using the PC version, but found it difficult using a laptop touchpad (no mouse), but I switched to IOS and touchscreen is much better.  I have to say it is very enjoyable, congratulations!

Some comments on IOS version:

1. The slow-mo head-shot for the golum does not work visually, it appears to zoom in too far or something so you can't see anything (I think the PC version was the same way).

2. When you exit from Skillz from the top right menu ("Exit Glennhaven Archery Tournaments"), the screen just goes completely black (most of the time); you have to exit the app and restart.

3. Perhaps make a way to skip the zoom-in intro for each level.  After playing several rounds it can get tedious to have to watch it every time.

4. What triggers a slow motion head-shot (for 100 points)?  Is it just random?  Most head-shots are not slow-mo. 

5. "Practice" is misspelled "practise" in some places.

6. It seems to get the most points in tournament play, you need to hit each enemy in different places, in a specific order.  Is there any strategy guide for this?  The "Practise" mode of the game seems to have a different scoring method, so you can't use trial and error in this mode to see how to get higher scores in Tournament mode.

7. It seems that using the TNT or freezing arrows may not allow you to get the best scores in tournament play, is there any reason to use these if you want the highest score?

8. Love the voice-overs, good job on those!

(2 edits)

When the mouse hits the border of the screen, you cannot aim in that direction anymore.  When enemies run over fallen enemies, they can shoot up in to the air unexpectedly.  Game started with mute enabled, thought it had no sound for a while.  

I redownloaded and unpacked in to an empty folder and still had the problem with the hover pop-up.

The pointer feels like it is lagging slightly behind on the title screen.  Like if I move it, it takes longer than it should for the pointer to go to the new position.  While in-game (inventory screen , etc.) the lag is much less noticeable but is still not the same as the hardware pointer.

I am testing it on my laptop from work, which may not have the latest graphic drivers, so I suppose it is possible that the drivers are contributing to the problems.  nVidia Quadro M1000M driver version 377.61.  I can't update drivers since that is controlled by the IT dept.

I started a new game...

Pointer lag still exists on the main screen as well as in-game.

I fought a Formican, antelope, and the bird-like creature (forget the name) and did not experience the hang/crash, whereas with the saved game from the previous version, when I fought two different creatures, both resulted in a freeze.

Single clicking on an inventory item still does nothing, and I also noticed that hover over each inventory item does nothing unless the pointer is right on the edge of the inventory square of an item.  When you put the pointer on the edge/border of the inventory square, it pops up info on that item.  I am not sure if clicking on an item is supposed to do anything, it may just be that the hover pop-up came up when you were on the square long enough to click on it.  Note that drag and drop still works, but single clicking on it does nothing.

Just want to confirm that when I loaded my save game from the previous version, it hung at 40% for several minutes and once loaded, I was missing my two full-grown dragons as well as two other unhatched dragon eggs that were sitting on my "bed" inside my portable shelter  I was also missing my portable shelter which should have been sitting on the beach.  When I started fighting a creature (twice, two different ones) the screen froze up.  I could still hear sounds of foot steps and the creatures, but the game was frozen.  I had to kill the process.

Also, the pointer on the home screen is very laggy compared to what it was.  My male character appears to have changed to female (on the inventory screen).  Single-clicking on any item in my inventory does nothing.

I assume some of these are due to the save game not loading properly, but others seem to be related to something else.

Got'cha.   Need to get busy with Pythagoras.

Will there be quests as part of the final game (other than just tutorial quests like what it seems to be now)?

Wandering around this huge island looking for needles in a haystack can get tedious.

If you plan to eventually put lots of unique things scattered around, it might be ok (but even so, with the size of the island, it would be difficult to put enough of them), but otherwise I think you need quests and an easier way to find things (such as the compass).

But so far, I am enjoying the experience, and I did manage to find the green egg based on viewing a youtube vid.

Is there supposed to be a compass in the upper right corner to guide you to the selected quest?  I see this compass in videos of others playing the game, but my game does not have any compass; the area above the quest list is empty.