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Patricio Land

A member registered Aug 12, 2015 · View creator page →

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Can't wait! Looks espectacular!

This is just amazing!!! Great work, can't wait to play the full version. Congratulations!

Amazing, thanks for sharing, you're absolutely inspirational and the game looks terrific!!! Hope you're health will improve and keep this fantastic piece of art!

This is a dream game!!! I'm backing in time and enjoying every second of it! 

Congratulations! Another great title for the Playdate!

Pre odder it! Can't wait to play this one! All the best!

There's not so many games like this for the Playdate, not even from the oficial s1. This is what I need to feed my yellow little console with: packed action game, amazing graphics and tons of fun. Like in the old good days! You won't regret buying this amazing title. Meaow!

Yes, totally understand, most of us developers are in the same situation, it's hard to keep track of how many ours we put in this projects. Thanks a lot an congratulations, these are very good numbers for such a niche product as the Playdate is!

Nice, thank you so much! This is very inspiring, thank you for sharing. I wonder  how much time did you spend developing the game?

Nice concept, looks fantastic, downloading now!

Amazing! I'm going to test it tonight! Btw did you code it in assembly or C ?

This is just a dream!! Congratulation!! Did someone tested it on the A500 mini??

Can't way to make this kitty roar!

Great news!! Thanks for sharing!

I can't wait to play it! Buying it now!! 


Absolutely gorgeous! Love this game, love you guys!!!

Just wanted to thank you to all of you buying the game (most paying even more than the current price). BIG TNX GUYS!!!

Hola Octavi, felicitaciones!! Vais a sacar una version para Mac?

This is a beauty!!

We made it through 2020 all together,  Merry Christmas!!! 

As I don't know how to contact all of you in person, I'd like to say THANK YOU to all who purchased Sol 705 during this days. Much appreciated guys, you rock !! 👍😁

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Halloween non stop!!!

Muy buen proyecto y espero poder jugar la version final cuando esté lista!! Aguante el pointanclick patagonico!

Thank you so much!! enjoy it! 👍😁

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Windows versions  and Linux: unzip  the downloaded  file, then double click on Sol705 to play the game.  Mac version: unzip and give Osx permission to open the app (You can get 7-zip for free to unzip your files if needed)

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Finally  here! If you played the old demo version and like it, this is what you're waiting for: Sol 705 on it's best shape with lots of new characters, backgrounds, puzzles, adventures and songs!

Very very cool! I was waiting for this for a long time and now I will spent a good time with it!! Thank you so much!

My faith in point and click games was not in vain! Good Lord this is a true miracle! 

Tiene muy buena pinta!! Felicitaciones y aguante el Spectrum!!

Felcitaciones Camila por el juego, es una intersante idea, ja ja y sirve para poner a prueba el bolsillo argentino tambien! Muy buena la estética y las animaciones!

Excelent new and amazing game!! Waffle party!!!

Got it!

Can't wait, can't wait!!! I'm counting the minutes to get it!! Congratulations!

Amazing art, congratulations!

This is so great! Keep the amazing work Alvaro!! Excelente!!

Love it man! So great characters and memories!! Absolutely fun-tastic! More More!!