weird .. they changed the default setting of the emission to BLACK??? it should be white by default !!!
Ivan Garcia Filho
Creator of
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oh, if that's one of those being used by the voxels, you may simply switch to urp > particle > unlit
since the default particle of the URP doesn't support "HDR" values like the built-in, it's just a matter of creating a shader that multiplies the vertex color by any float which above 2 will triggr the bloom post effect!
Not exactly the same because the baked textures should not contain (IMHO) any bloom nor chromatic aberration, otherwise, on games already using some sort of "post effects", the textures would have their bloom "doubled" and probably hard to fix all theses textures if they are already using some sort of glow / blur!
Of course they have the smalllest feather effect as possible just to avoid noticeable jagged edges and look like "energy" ... if I had enough time, wish I could release this asset with a raw output without any post effect and another output with everything "baked" into the sprite ...
Simultaneously about 9, the hiccup occurs based on processor level.
Unfortunately it's not so easy to make these circuits follow a specific path, depending on the aspect of your case, the circuits should be baked into flipbooks for performance nor generate some sort of seamless/tileable circuit texture add the texture to a Trail renderer following the path, and add a noise shader capable of scrolling through the texture/UV revealing the circuits as the noise scrolls through the mesh of the trail gradually over the time...
Sorry for not fulfilling your needs, and thanks for asking before purchasing!
- SRP only (Standard pipeline), it's not compatible with URP/HDRP (not yet, updates coming soon);
- Shaders being converted to Shaderforge and shadergraph for compatibility with more shader editors and different pipelines within unity;
- You could mostly fill a small room with them, however, would be too expensive since it's using purely the Unity's Particle system (even with Vfx graph you would mostly toast the GPU);
- You can't put rigidbodies on the since they are particles and they are not interactive at all;
- Thanks for asking before purchasing and sorry for not achieving your expectations;
Thanks for pointing this issue!
I will import this package into Unity 2019.3.7 to figure out what's happening ...
The message look a bit nonsense and I think that should be related to the Sprite Atlas I've created ... I might remove it and use only the geometries for small rings on the tip of trails!
Is your effects working even with this console message?
Amazing and relaxing music loop...
There's a lack of ambience, like people talking on the background, slot machines on the background, laughs, cards being shuffled, glasses being filled with some sort of drink and clinking, dices shaking and rolling over wooden tables with just a bit of reverberance enhancing the sensation of a wide cassino ...
Awesome!!! I hove all sorts of futurism, cyberpunk, dieselpunk, retrofuturism...
I did some of those "line like" Vfx for Pixel Ripped VR and other cyberpunk projects within ARVORE ...
Technobabylon is fucking awesome!!!! Also played Gemini Rue, Red strings club, Under Rail, Steam Marines, Bionic Dues, Depth Of Extinction, Satellite Reign, Invisible Inc, Transistor, All Shadowrun series, All Fallout series, Remember me, Observer and ansious to Play "The Last Night" and "Cyberpunk 2077"!
Thanks for taking your time to evaluate our game! we hadn't enough time to deal with the scenario and most of the art.
We already built an infinite wave of proceduraly generated enemies capable of tossing some shurikens towards you, but we will wait until the end of the voting to upload a new version.