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A member registered Mar 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hello Trait74, sorry for keeping you waiting so long, and you may no longer need the answer, but I'll leave it here for anyone who sees this.

Blunder and BLUI are Application Templates, not addons, they won't show up in your addons list, they will show up in File > New > after you have installed them.

I don't recommend Blunder at this point, it's only there for archival purposes, BLUI is the template that has been updated most recently.

If you want to uninstall Blunder or BLUI the process is the same, and for now it is manual, unfortunately. I'll use BLUI as the example.

You will need to delete the following folders/files to remove the templates from your system:

~/YOURUSERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/2.93/config/BLUI/

~/YOURUSERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/2.93/scripts/startup/bl_app_templates_user/BLUI/

~/YOURUSERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/2.93/presets/keyconfig/

And that's it, you're done.

From now on BLUI comes with an auto-installer that runs on startup, so the install process is much faster/easier, maybe I should add a fast/easy uninstaller, too.


Hi AgentOttsel, you can try the v0.8 release, it should resolve the crashing on launch bug.

Hi Tessercat, try again with the v0.8 release, it's now working for me in 2.93.4 and the 3.0 alpha.

Hi SirSpence, you can try the 0.8 release to see if it fixes the launch crash.

Hi Muttjob, I have fixed the crash on launch issue, you can test the latest version to see if it resolves the issue for you.

Well, this is one of the few times that Blender NOT crashing is letting me down. I can't reproduce the 2.91.2 crash on my system, it just loads the startup scene and waits, like it should.

My new theory is that there's maybe an initial setting that I had set when I installed 2.91.0 that got copied over to my 2.91.2 install, and maybe you don't have that preference? It's a bit of a weak theory, but it's all I've got right now.

When I installed Blender, and opened it for the first time, it showed that one-time pop-up that asks you if you want to use Left or Right Click to select, and if you want to load the Blender default or Industry Standard Keymap. I believe that I chose Left Click and Industry Standard. You could try changing these settings first, then going to File > New > BLUI.

Really, I'm not feeling confident that this will make a difference, but it's something to try.

I'll try to modify the Blunder init script to see if that makes a difference.

Thanks for the interest, and patience, there's been a few people lately after me to update and maintain my addons/templates, and I think that was just the kick in the butt I needed to get cracking again. Hopefully I'll have some updates to share with you soon.

And, as far as the Blender Python API is concerned, I agree, the docs seem to be missing that last critical step, maybe just an example of the syntax needed to use each of the operators. I'd also been meaning to do a video on how I make all my stuff, including resources that helped me get from where you are with it, to where I am (which is not all that far, but I remember thinking the thing you wrote). So I'll leave some of those resources here for you to check out, and there'll be a video about it on my Youtube eventually:

Blender Python Getting Started:

Darkfall -

B3D Interplanetary -

Curtis Holt -

Jayanam -

Scripting for Artists (on Blender's official YT channel) -

Royal Skies LLC -

CG Matter -

Blender Livestreams - they did a stream with the guy (Dr Sybren Stuvel) who did the Scripting for Artists series, and I asked a few questions about REALLY basic stuff, then I started to feel bad that I should have maybe Googled it instead of wasting his time, but when I went back to the comments, he had gone back after the stream ended and written a detailed explanation that really helped things click for me.

Royal Skies and CG Matter helped remove that intimidation barrier I felt whenever I looked at the API - Hey, just do the things you want to do, copy and paste them from the Info screen, and BOOM, you're a coder.

Darkfall and Nikita are really good at going through code line by line, or section by section, and making sure you understand how it all works, they were the ones who helped "connect the dots" and allowed me to figure out how to actually write out the things I wanted to do.

All the others helped me get that one tiny little piece that someone else thought went without saying.

Once you're up and running, your new home will be

That's the best resource I've found for Blender and Python.

You can also try reading through my scripts on Github, I ignored a couple of "Python style" recommendations, like abbreviated variable names, and 80 character lines, so all of my variables are super long, literal names (eg a variable containing an Object's coordinates would be ObjectCoordinates, rather than objco) and I've put in lots of comments, to try and give the plain English of what each code block does right above the code itself.

Damn, I wrote a novel, and I still didn't fix the crash! I'll keep you posted!

Hmmm, well that complicates things. And when you say 'open your startup file', are you doing that by going to File > New > BLUI 0_7_5?

The Right Mouse Navigation got moved out of the App Template, and into its own separate addon:, it was called UnrealRightClick until a couple of days ago, so some of the old links may need to be updated, but the one I just pasted here is current. I did it this way so that you can use it with or without the rest of the template.

I hadn't been actively developing any of my projects for months before this last week, when I got a few messages about bugs with Blunder. I'm trying to polish a few things up now, fix some bugs, and hopefully cobble together some kind of user guide so that there's a little more for people to go on.

OK, test results are as follows (from a Windows 10 PC):

2.82.0 - Working, some visual bugs

2.83.0 - Working, some visual bugs

2.90.1 - Working

2.91.0 - Working

2.91.2 - Working

2.92.0 Beta - Crash on Startup

2.93.0 Alpha - Crash on Startup

My current working theory is that App Templates may be dependent on the folder structure that comes from installing Blender to your system, rather than just downloading and running the app.

The versions that download as an .msi, and install, update components etc. all seem to work, but the experimental releases (beta and alpha) that come as a folder, and allow you to run Blender without installation, are the ones that are giving issues.

The install process is the same. I just wiped out my templates, redownloaded and reinstalled on 2.91.0, and I'm not having issues, I'm downloading 2.93 now to test that, too.

I'm on a Windows 10 PC, I haven't yet tested on Mac and Linux for compatibility. I'll let you know if I can replicate the crash on my end.

Funny enough, Blunder has an init (startup script) that could potentially give issues on startup, but I haven't added one to BLUI yet, so maybe there's something there.

Hey TramplingPotion, unfortunately, I don't currently have one set up, and the Template is in a bit of a state of disarray at the moment, if you have questions you can fire away right here, but I'm starting to think that I either abandon Blunder, or start from scratch again to get it working with Blender 2.9+

You can check out BLUI in the meantime, or just Install one or more of my add-ons from Github: if you just want to use RightMouseNavigation, or add some Custom Objects.

I've had people contact me about this project on itch, Github and Youtube recently, so maybe that's a good indication that it's worth putting the time into updating.

Hey Stooovie, they don't install like addons, you have to click the Blender icon in the top left of the screen, and in that dropdown you will see "Install Application Template", once you click on that you can install the zip.

This template is getting a little old in the tooth, and I haven't updated it nearly as much as I'd like to, I've had some reports that it's not working well with 2.9, so I'll have to do a bit of updating at some point. I started on a different project to do the same thing (unify Blender and Unreal controls), but I haven't had a chance to polish and release it.

HOWEVER, as part of the new approach, I'm trying to make more of the Blunder features available as separate addons, which you can check out here:

There's UnrealRightClick for Right Click Navigation, Unreal Objects for a set of new default objects scaled up to 0.01 unit scale, and a tool to translate Blender's Shader Nodes into Unreal's Material Blueprint Nodes.

Thanks for checking out the project!

Fun game, the twist with the character moving the opposite way kept things interesting, and the stress ramped up every screen when I thought about having to do it over again if I made a mistake. Cool idea, it could probably also work well with a touch screen, if you'd considered a mobile version.

Thanks, it was my first jam, and a bit of a rush to get anything out! There were a lot of ideas that popped up while I was making it that I just didn't have time to implement, but I'm tempted to go back with more time and flesh it out into an actual game.

Thanks for playing, and taking the time to comment!

That is a beautiful game!

(1 edit)

I didn't create the fonts!

The game uses: Across the Stars by Felix Hinneman, Astron Boy Wonder by Typodermic Fonts, and Star Trek Future by Alphabet and Type.

Models were rigged and animated with Mixamo.

All other assets were created for the jam.

Had some issues with the upload, ended up using an external link to my google drive, as the itch upload would fail at 100%, hopefully that is OK!

Also, forgot to say Blender 2.83 is out, this is the long term support release, guaranteed stable, supported version for 3 years. If you haven't updated yet, check it out!

Hey Sergey, thanks again for bringing that issue to my attention. I have some good news, I finally found the code I needed to get the add-ons to pre-install. It's not in the documentation yet, but I found it in a bug report while I was googling trying to fix the issue.

So, from now on you won't have to manually install anything, and, if you want to test it out, I added two more add-ons that I've found really helpful: BleuRaven's Blender for Unreal - tons of export options, and BlenderNPR's AbNormal - for editing normals to achieve better results with cel-shading and cartoon-style rendering.

Thanks, take care!

Hi, thanks for the feedback Sergey! I actually didn't realize this.

The Blender docs say that Add-ons are saved with App Templates, but also says you can define a custom path for "template-specific" add-ons, which I haven't done up to this point, but I think it's what I'll have to do from now on to avoid issues like the one you're having!

Until then, I've updated the main page with links to all the add-ons (either gumroad or github), and the link for my own Unreal Objects add-on is at the bottom of the page.

Thanks again for bringing this to my attention, I will fix this up in the next update, until then you can download from the links on the main page and install manually. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for trying the template!

Hello NXGEN, waaaaaaaaaaaaay late with this, but I just incorporated an add-on to the template that increases the Clip End of the Cameras as well as the Viewport itself. If you add a Camera from the Unreal Objects Panel under the Toolbar, or from the Unreal Objects menu, from the Add Menu, it will have an extremely long Clip End, and should cover every object in your scene.

Thanks for downloading the template, sorry for the sporadic updates! ;P

Hi WolfinWool, I fixed the issue of the small objects by adding a Panel underneath the Toolbar called Unreal Objects, this adds bigger meshes and brighter lights. Hope this helps, thanks for downloading the template!

Damn, I just saw your last message from 6 months ago when I was like, "I should be able to get back on this in a week."


Haha, no problem.

This is a consequence of the Unit Scale, it is set to 0.01 to enable full cross-compatibility with UE4.

If you aren't importing FROM UE4 INTO Blender, then the unit scale is not as important, you can set it back to one, and the meshes should spawn in at a reasonable size.

An alternative is to leave it as it is and scale the meshes up with the scale tool, or using the Object Properties on the Right SIde.

This is one of many annoying little hiccups that I had hoped to deal with promptly, however, about 8 months ago I got a new full-time job in addition to a few part time things that had been keeping me going before that.

Unfortunately, since that time I haven't really been able to keep up with dev on this, and it's been left in a bit of a shambles, as you've experienced.

On the plus side, I'm starting to train someone at my job this week, which should, hopefully, free up some time to let me get back to things that I find more interesting, like this project.

Thanks for your interest, I'll keep you posted!

In the meantime, if you haven't heard of Mr Mannequin Tools, it's an add-on developed by Jim Kroovy, and it handles all the functionality I had intended to add in later versions to the UE4 Mannequin plus way more beyond that, whenever I get back to this template it will most definitely be a part of it.


Haha, YES!

Ah, thanks for catching that! I made sure to adjust it in the Viewport, but I completely forgot about the Camera in the Scene!

Thank you, this will be fixed, hopefully in code so that you won't have to do it for every new Camera you create!

Hey, thanks very much! Always nice to get feedback, and cash, haha!

It's still in progress, but I've had to give it a back seat while I'm busy at work. Things should calm down for me in a week or so, hopefully I'll have some kind of update in that time!

Blunder community · Created a new topic Feedback Thread
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Tell me how you really feel, why don't you?

Hey, quick follow up, the controller issue was that it was set to D-Input instead of X-Input, it's a little switch on the back for my controller, hopefully that helps anyone else having controller issues.

Just beat the first boss, damn, tough as nails. Like I said before, you've got that feeling of, "Oh, just one more try..." that's so hard to capture, but it was frustrating on the way there.

I didn't mind the octopus shadows getting mixed up with the boulders, but it did seem like there were a few times that I took damage/died when it didn't appear that any rock had hit me (standing in a patch of water with no shadow), though sometimes it would look like the rock mesh did overlap the character mesh in screen space, though it shouldn't have overlapped in game space (hopefully that makes sense)

I found myself reaching for a run button while playing with a keyboard, and thought the idea of a projectile weapon might be interesting

I also experienced the odd jitter in the graphics, mostly during the boss fight, and it seemed like the transition between octopus mode and rock mode had a bit of a frame dip, possibly just spawning all the rocks at once?

Great game, I had fun, looking forward to seeing more!

Damn, that's a fun game!

I thought it looked good on Twitter and it looks even better getting to play it!

First impressions as I played:

-looked like a controller-style game, but my controller had some mapping issues (trigger buttons pressed start instead of rotating camera etc) - this is probably on my end, but just in case it's a Logitech F310, I've remapped controls in other games, but I didn't think it would affect this, as the game recognized the controller and displayed the appropriate buttons during the instructions, so again, likely an issue on my end

-damn this game is gorgeous, reminds me of a mashup of Zelda, Souls and Hyper Light Drifter, I get a tiny bit of the Dead Space guy from the protagonists helmet, and I'm not sure if this is at all intentional but I'm picking up vibes from an old C64 game, White Viper

-fun controls, nice quick intro to mechanics and it's off to the game, I spent a while in the first area just moving around and panning the camera and looking around, which makes the next bit all the more ridiculous:

-I got stuck for a few minutes with the first puzzle because I forgot to pan the camera around, and kept hitting the first switch and not seeing the second, then leaving the area, thinking that I had to hit that one switch in all the different paths you could go down, before finally realizing that I could look around, and solved the puzzle immediately. I think because of the associations with Zelda and HLD I kept thinking of the game as happening from a static overhead view, and that things that I couldn't see were intentionally hidden (like a switch behind a statue or wall in Zelda), rather than the reality of this game having an additional dimension to explore, or an additional perspective, at least. So, even as I'm writing this I'm thinking: this was introduced right at the beginning of the game, and I got stuck in one spot until I figured it out, which took a grand total of 2-3 minutes, and learning that left the impression that I might need to do that again, which is probably what you want. So I don't think it's really a criticism, maybe just make it a little more obvious, like a line from your NPC, "Make sure you look around up ahead." "Don't forget to look around you." "A skilled warrior is always aware of what is around them." Or something like that.

-Boss battle was fun, took a few runs at it, did better each time, but haven't taken it down yet. I rushed in and slashed madly when it started and when it dipped below the water I thought I killed it. Then when it came back, and all the rocks were falling, and the shadows, and the different timings, and the octopus sliding back and forth across the arena, crazy, hectic fun. Half of my deaths came from trying to get too many hits in before it spun around, only to get caught in its teeth and dragged down. I died and died and died and wanted more, what higher compliment can I give!

I'll update once I've had a chance to play more/investigate my controller issue, but, really, great job all around, from one solo dev to another!

ps - i am a composer and sound designer, if you're looking for music/SFX, and since you seem to have an eye for design/colour, maybe you'd consider doing a skill trade? Textures for Music/SFX?

pps - sorry to go off-topic!