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A member registered Sep 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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What a journey it's been! Hearing your feedback has meant a lot to me, and I'm glad that you mostly enjoyed the experience! As for YTMND... well, I wasn't ever part of that community, so I didn't feel like I could do it justice. I'm very sorry! I would actually take you up on your offer to write a YTMND bonus episode, but this game with the already existing DLC currently uses up 997 of 999 possible map files, so there's not actually much room to squeeze in anything else! ^^;

By the way, I'm not sure if I've told you this, but I'm currently working on a full remake of the first game, BoxxyQuest: The Shifted Spires. It's not as long as the sequel, but it's shaping up to be even higher quality! (There's also no platforming sections whatsoever). If you want, I can let you know when it's finished, and I hope that you'll enjoy it as well! :3

No worries! They’re on the route between YouTube and 4chan. :D

If you check a certain bush on Artistry Highway in the base game, near the train tracks before the forest area, an Egg will pop out. It didn't have any use besides being a minor healing item (and a Paper Mario reference). So in the DLC, I decided to give it a new use! If you use the Egg in battle against a Karma Chameleon or a Pile o' Gold, it will turn into a Golden Egg that can be sold for a high price.

The game is full of tiny little secrets like that! :P

Bahaha, I don’t really blame you - that battle is very, very difficult (although not impossible!)

You should be able to use the Save Statue at the end of Alwaysland to warp back to the beginning, so there’s no need for all that replaying! D:

So it seems like you’re just missing Eddie - he’s near the fountain with the boy running around it, in the middle of some blue mushrooms. Good luck with what comes next! :P

Also yeah, there are a lot of sites you don’t get to visit that are still mentioned in the game, so I wanted to put them on the map  to show that it covers the whole Internet.

And no worries about Discord, I’m happy to keep talking in whatever way you prefer!

It's great to hear from you again! (And woah, that's a staggering amount of battles). :O

It seems that you still have one more big challenge to complete, and it's related to the plushies! There are 9 of them in total, hidden around Artistry Highway - one for each of the 8 party members, plus Arianna. If you tell me which ones you're missing, then I can give hints or tell you where to find them.

You can access the Sky Abyss from the summit of Mt. Dramatica, which is to the east of Wikipedia. :3

The DLC doesn't really change anything about the base game, before or after beating it; except for a couple of places (like one of the street stalls in YouTube) now being able to sell furniture for your house in Etsy.

By the way, did you ever join the BoxxyQuest Discord server? It's not very active at all, but I'd still love to have you there. :D

Ooh, that’s good to know, thank you!

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Very impressive! Is this what the demo with the snake girl turned into? If so, I’m a bit sad that she doesn’t seem to be in it anymore…

Okay, I never actually got a notification for this reply. I don't know what happened, but I'm sorry for the wait. D:

ORDERDAD is one of three bosses where the Bouquet fails, since it's  more of a scripted gag (like the rest of the dreams) rather than an actual fight. The other two bosses are Cracky (who disables your accessories at the start), and... a hidden superboss from the main game that I'm not sure if you've found yet. (The one in Bell Cave, have you found it)?

I don't think there are any other ways to farm Bottles of Swag? I remember that I purposely made them rarer and harder to get than the various other stat-raising items, because I didn't want players to becoming too overpowered with them and just one-shotting everything.

And like I said before, please don't be sorry about the questions! It's made me so happy to have someone interested in this. :3

Hi again! I hope you've been enjoying the DLC.

Very great job even finding that maze in the first place! It's one of the most hidden things in the game. There may be something in the lower-left corner, but getting down there requires going up and around from somewhere in the the upper-left. Good luck!~

As for the Activation Gem, it's working as intended - why should it do anything more or less than that? (It was originally a reference to something, but I can't remember what anymore). :P

Oooh… you do need a save where you can explore the Internet. If you want to send me your save file (to, and you’re fine with waiting until the 17th when I get home from my trip, then I’ll be glad to set you free with a little editing. I’m very sorry for the hassle!

First of all, congratulations on finishing the game, (for real this time)! 🥳

I’m sorry that I wasn’t much help during the final stretch. I’ve spent the past couple weeks traveling, so I didn’t have any way to check the game for the solution to that ice puzzle.

The DLC should be available in the downloads section here - it includes a file with instructions on how to install it and then find the new content in-game! 

Thank you so much for the kind words! I bet many things in this game would be surreal, not growing up with western Internet culture. But I hope you enjoy it all anyway, and you’re welcome to make a video if you want! :D

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Sorry for the several-days-late reply, I’ve been away!

First of all, congrats on  finishing the game! It means a lot to me that you stuck with it, even through the frustrating bits. 

There is a DLC you can download with a post-game bonus chapter, but the base game has plenty of post-game content on its own. There’s two new towns you can visit that were previously blocked off, and a special epilogue quest will unlock if you’ve managed to do all the Inbox missions…

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Ooh, you’re very close to the end! (Maybe. There could be some big post-game secrets…)

As for the current puzzle, I promise that it’s possible to make it past the spikes with the right timing… but if you want to cheese it a bit - the spikes will only “detect” and hurt you if you’re in motion. So as long as you land on a platform while it’s clear, you can stand there for as long as you need to plan your next jump, and the spikes will just phase through you!

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Wow, you've made a lot of progress! The Hateful Reliquary chase is one of the hardest parts of the game. If you're still having trouble with it, an important tip to know is that moving diagonally downwards is actually slower than moving straight downwards. So the more you weave around the crystals, the quicker the Reliquary will gain on you. Try "changing lanes" as few times as possible!

Edit: I just saw your edit after sending my reply. Great job!! :D

The Spire has some tricky puzzles… try walking over all the squares of the mini version to expose what color they should be! 

Good job! That part is listed under Known Bugs - it’s a glitchy custom script interaction that I was never able to fix. There’s one more part like that later in the game. When you get there, know that each flame’s hitbox is a vertical line down the screen - you can just dodge horizontally and be fine. :P

Let me know if there's anything else I can help with later! :D

Ah! That's a classic logic puzzle, where each number is counting the digits of the previous number. (So it's 1, one 1, two 1s, one 2 one 1, one 1 one 2 two 1s)..... I can give the answer if you're still stuck from there. Either way, thanks for playing! 

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Hi! First of all, thanks for playing!

If you just beat the boss in the camgirl club, then you should have gotten the keycard that leads to the roof of Partnership Towers, so try going back up there and riding the last elevator. 

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with! 

Whaaa? I’ve never encountered this in any RMXP game I’ve played. It seems like it may be an issue with whatever program you’re using to play on mobile.

Try going into the eastern Sphere district? (On the right side near the bottom, there should be a spot that warps you). I’m curious to see if this has to do with the size of the map. 

I’m sorry I don’t have any real answers. :<

I wish you the best too, and good luck with your own game! :D

I'd love to, if only I knew how! Maybe I'll try and look into it a bit later this summer.

First of all, thank you for the kind message! And I'm totally fine with you exploring the files - it's actually quite easy to do on your own!

First, you need to buy RPG Maker XP, (or get the free trial). Then, start a
new project to generate a "game.rxproj" file. Paste that file into the main BoxxyQuest folder (where the .exe is) and open it. (Game.rxproj files are all interchangeable, they just tell the editor to open what's in that folder).

I'll apologize for my messiness in there, though. A lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff isn't named or organized very well. ^^;

Email sent! And no worries - trust me, I get the feeling of wanting to archive stuff. I still have folders full of old forum threads I've saved from like 2009. :P

I mean, I'm not super ashamed of it, it's just *very* amateurish compared to this one. But I could always send you a copy if you're interested, (and if you gave me some private way to reach you). ^^;

Thank you so much! I'm glad it works, and I hope you enjoy it!

It's still being processed, but the author is super nice, and should be glad to help you with anything you need.

You can buy them at "DeviantMart," the item shop at the south entrance to DeviantArt. :D

Well, firstly make sure everyone has the best available gear from the DeviantArt shop. Also (or alternatively), buy a bunch of "Very Root Indeed" items, and use them when Arianna changes to her 2nd form. They'll bypass her increased defense and do some pretty massive damage.

If you need more in-depth strategies, try asking BTD6_Maker in the Discord chat. He's the one writing the strategy guide, and honestly he knows even more about the workings of the game than I do at this point. :P

Which part do you need help with - staying alive or dealing damage? :P

BTW, you'll be glad to know that someone in the Discord server is very nearly finished writing a full BoxxyQuest guide. You're welcome to join if you ever need to ask about stuff -


I put it in the F.A.Q. file, but I guess it's kinda buried. Sorry!

That puzzle's a bit tricky - here's the solution

You can also email me if you have more questions. :D

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Ahhh, that's an -old- joke from Catie's forum. There was an Irish user who used to brag constantly about himself, so we started saying that eating potatoes turned him superhuman.

Anyway, thanks for playing! :P

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Maybe I'll try writing a guide at some point. In the meantime, here's where to find the Rare NES Games. (There's actually only six of them).

Firstly, thank you so, SO much for all the kind words. I wish I could say how much they mean. <3

It's pretty hard to market a game about an old internet meme, but I'll keep trying to think of something! Also, you're not the first one to mention the slow beginning. It's one of several lessons I'll keep in mind, if I ever do make another game.

As for the riddle, it's hard to give a hint without spoiling it, so I'll just put the solution here. :P
Also, if you need help  finding the 7th key sibling, here's where to look.

There's plenty more to find, and I hope you'll see it all! Thanks again. :D

(Oh, and as for Catie, I wish I had news. the last time I talked to her was back in January, around the time she left Twitter. I'm sure she's doing fine, but I miss her too).

Ooh, exciting! Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy!

Agh, just when I was starting to think I’d finally fixed everything. What a strange bug, though. Thanks for the report! I’ll try to get it patched this weekend.

I'm glad that helped!