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(1 edit)

Sorry for the several-days-late reply, I’ve been away!

First of all, congrats on  finishing the game! It means a lot to me that you stuck with it, even through the frustrating bits. 

There is a DLC you can download with a post-game bonus chapter, but the base game has plenty of post-game content on its own. There’s two new towns you can visit that were previously blocked off, and a special epilogue quest will unlock if you’ve managed to do all the Inbox missions…

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I was afraid my rant pissed you off so much that you stopped replying...

Anyway I am doing the postgame stuff, I didn't even bother trying the platforming in the beach section though. What I'm stuck on now is the sliding ice puzzle on the second level of the Sky Abyss. I can't figure out how to get to the exit at the upper left.

EDIT: I figured it out, made it to the end, and beat Legion. How do I play the DLC stuff now?

First of all, congratulations on finishing the game, (for real this time)! 🥳

I’m sorry that I wasn’t much help during the final stretch. I’ve spent the past couple weeks traveling, so I didn’t have any way to check the game for the solution to that ice puzzle.

The DLC should be available in the downloads section here - it includes a file with instructions on how to install it and then find the new content in-game! 

Okay, I'm still a bit confused about the DLC. Do I have to start an entirely new game and finish the main story all over again? Because I only have one save file and it's right before the final legion singularity battle.

Oooh… you do need a save where you can explore the Internet. If you want to send me your save file (to, and you’re fine with waiting until the 17th when I get home from my trip, then I’ll be glad to set you free with a little editing. I’m very sorry for the hassle!

It's okay, I found another save that I didn't notice.

So I have a few more questions. First, what does the activation gem actually do, if anything?

Second, I know there must be something good hidden in that timed dream maze, any hints on finding it?


Hi again! I hope you've been enjoying the DLC.

Very great job even finding that maze in the first place! It's one of the most hidden things in the game. There may be something in the lower-left corner, but getting down there requires going up and around from somewhere in the the upper-left. Good luck!~

As for the Activation Gem, it's working as intended - why should it do anything more or less than that? (It was originally a reference to something, but I can't remember what anymore). :P

Thanks for the help, found it (although I'm not sure if it works... it says it will prevent me from dying but even with it equipped I still got killed by that order boss in the other dream). Speaking of the other dreams, is there anything else I can get from any of them?

And I take it you mean the gem doesn't actually do anything.

Another question, is there a way to farm the 'bottle of swag' item, or some other way to improve strength stats? I remember there was an enemy in the deep web that could sometimes drop them, but after I beat that dungeon it seems I can't access it again. Is there any other way to get them?

Sorry for all the questions, I just like to fully explore all aspects of a game like this.

Okay, I never actually got a notification for this reply. I don't know what happened, but I'm sorry for the wait. D:

ORDERDAD is one of three bosses where the Bouquet fails, since it's  more of a scripted gag (like the rest of the dreams) rather than an actual fight. The other two bosses are Cracky (who disables your accessories at the start), and... a hidden superboss from the main game that I'm not sure if you've found yet. (The one in Bell Cave, have you found it)?

I don't think there are any other ways to farm Bottles of Swag? I remember that I purposely made them rarer and harder to get than the various other stat-raising items, because I didn't want players to becoming too overpowered with them and just one-shotting everything.

And like I said before, please don't be sorry about the questions! It's made me so happy to have someone interested in this. :3