Thanks for playing! We uploaded a major update and rework to the game just now, come check it out if you're still interested.
Spiral Forge Studio
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The potion crafting puzzle mechanics are super fun to try and figure out. Once you get the hang of it you want to be able to solve it in as little moves as possible and in a shorter time. I hope you add more interesting mechanics that give more challenges and rewards to the player. I also like how the dialogue for the most part only hints at what you should be making rather than always saying upfront what potion to craft. Music and art blend in well together to give a relaxing but engaging experience. Keep up the good work!
Hey thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed the game! Yeah we did use Suno AI for the music but we plan on making our own soundtrack when we update the game again in the future (hopefully). Our idea for the game was combining RTS and Tower Defense with a focus on resource management. Definitely could use a tutorial and more fleshed out mechanics and levels.
If you're still interested you can check the game out again in the future, since this is one we did want to revisit outside of the game jam.
Hey, thanks for playing our game! Glad you enjoyed the concept and game art.
We did end up rushing the sound design and I may have made the viruses a little too tanky (I tend to get jaded from hitting the same mob a million times when testing). Something we'll try to improve on over time. Thanks for the feedback!
Glad you liked it!
We had a lot more plans for the game but our lack of time and skill caused us to have to abandon some core game ideas and rush the sound design towards the end. We're still trying to establish our rhythm for developing games so that we hit all the important markers. One step (or jam) at a time I guess haha. Thanks for the feedback, we really appreciate it!
Thanks for playing! No yeah, there are still quite a few bugs especially with the tesla coil. The turrets not firing might have to do with the upkeep mechanics, if your blue number reaches over a certain percentage over the current maximum it stops all the towers from attacking, so you need to power down some towers to get things running again.
That's a good suggestion, I didn't realize that I jumbled up the order for the prices in the UI. Thanks.
Yeah, we were kind of trying to incentivize coming up with a strategy for choosing cards by making the boss HP much higher. We may have fumbled with the probabilities of the card drops by a bit so Aces were a tad too rare...
The art came from artists here on, you should definitely check them out using the links in our game page description. We wanted to add more visual feedback and effects but sadly we overestimated our abilities to pull them off given this was our first game jam XD
And yes, I believe we messed up the resolution scaling. Not sure how to know if it works since it worked on our computers so we'll definitely keep it in mind in our next jam.
Hey, thanks for the feedback though! We really appreciate it :D
Thanks for the feedback! The royalty-free assets we used were from different artists here on, you can check them out in the description on the game page.
Glad you enjoyed the concept! Yeah, we had a lot of ideas on how to make the gameplay a lot more interesting, but we overestimated how much work we could do within 2 days so we had to botch several ideas in favor of completion XD
Thanks for the interesting review!
Honestly, that's not a bad interpretation haha, I wish we had thought of something like that for our story! Unfortunately, that is a bug with the Webgl version of the game when played on certain browsers. So if you're interested in reading the dialogue you can check it out in a different browser maybe! :D
Hi there,
I'd love to join your team if you still have space.
I do have experience in software design and development from my degree in computer engineering and my personal projects. My game programming experience is also in Unity from developing our own game with a team of some of my friends (but not for any game jam).
Discord: _belligerent_