There a way I could pay you without using PayPal?
Yes, but in what way? I've already created. I'm still rather clueless.
What do I use to make Tungsten?
Of course.
Then again, I could just go and buy myself an additional 8 GB RAM stick..., but hmmm
Well, I've just bought it off Steam. Will I have to pay extra in order to get the 'BetterPerformance' or will I have to get them via opening the console in Steam? My laptop keeps having issues trying to run it; it uses 8 GB Ram.
Yeah right.
Means it is malware.
Enduring, satisfying, and boobylicious. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Why not both?
I wonder how anyone would speedrun this... anyway 10/10.
Imagine getting 3000 YEETS.