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A member registered Aug 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice! The game is very satisfying and intuitive to play. I find it amusing you can't step on the ducks, but you can push them off cliffs with no repercussions. Got a score of 300, beat it if you can

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Thanks for the feedback man! I definitely would have added more enemies and/or events to the game if I had more time, perhaps a boss enemy or something of that nature. Game art is another big weak point of mine as a programmer with little experience in 2D graphics. I'm gonna focus on that for next time, to at least imitate an art style. 

Good catch on the exploit! I somehow never discovered it in all my cumulative time playtesting, lol. Like you mentioned, there doesn't seem to be an easy fix for it besides a major change to the game mechanics, (although the moving pedestal idea sounds promising to me.)

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I don't know if it's a problem on my end but I get a "UnityPlayer.dll not found" error whenever I try to run the program. :/