Cute little VN! Sometimes you see a kink and think "Oh, that's hot AWOOGA". Other times, you see a kink and think "Oh that's a fun idea, that's clever." This is a "fun idea" kink to me, and I mean that in a good way. I do appreciate that even though the themes are pretty simple, y'all did a good job incorporating and tying the kink INTO those themes, too. Also I appreciate the stupid (affectionate) pun name of Dixon. (Because there's dixon his mouth.)
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This VN is an absolute feast for the eyes. Even the sketchy, rougher CGs are so fucking evocative and mesmerizing, dripping with style.
This is only further complimented by the music, just as evocative and captivating. I don't have as much to say besides that though, since I'm not a musician; I don't really have the language other than saying that it fully contributed to sucking me totally into this world.
And then there's the writing. The fear that your writing wouldn't match up to the visuals and music was completely unfounded. Both those elements are supporting the writing in full force. The characters feel so real and hurt so good.
As for more spoiler-y thoughts, the thing that strikes me the most are the "BIG LINES", for lack of a better word. The large-text "I WANT YOU TO ... ME" statements.
Those make me feel things. The characters last wishes, all of them tragic and selfish, to some extent.