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A member registered Oct 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

The developer released the game with the source code included (in source.7z) and then went radio silent, so I suspect they knew what was gonna happen and knew they may never get the chance to update the game beyond 1.0.0. Since they haven't said a word since release, though, we don't know for sure what their intent was with the stealth drop of the game or if they intend to come back and release updates or accept contributions.

Yeah I have no idea how this project is set up because it's apparently not using MonoGame as NuGet packages even though MonoGame versions after 3.8 *only* ship as NuGet packages. I managed to get the source code building by installing the Visual Studio MonoGame extension, creating a new Windows DirectX MonoGame template project and using the .csproj file as a reference to reconstruct the ProjectZ.csproj file.

Here's a .csproj and dotnet-tools setup that gets ProjectZ building with the latest version of MonoGame. I hope. You might need to commandline run dotnet restore in the project folder to make sure the content builder works (that's why the build fails, it can't find MGCB, the content builder).

Thanks for the comments, everyone!

@goldenbeard I really wanted to do this but it was a miracle I even managed to write the 3 tunes that are in there before the deadline

@VirtuaWave This was actually the plan originally; to have obstacles that require a certain amount of band members to progress past to reach the end of the level. I didn't have time to implement it, unfortunately

Really like how this teaches you the mechanics wordlessly. Actually some really good puzzles in this one.

I love this so much. Please make this into a full game.