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A member registered Dec 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi DaedalusMachina,

Regrettably at this time I do not have a demo available. I do however have a spec sheet for minimum and recommended specs.

o OS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
o Processor: Core i3-4370 or Equivalent
o Memory: 4 GB RAM
o Graphics: Nvidia GTX 960 / AMD 280x
o DirectX: Version 11
o Network: Broadband Internet connection
o Storage: 6 GB available space

o OS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
o Processor: Core i7-4790K or Equivalent
o Memory: 8 GB RAM
o Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 / RX 580
o DirectX: Version 11
o Network: Broadband Internet connection
o Storage: 6 GB available space

I may in the future have a demo available, but at this time I am working on finishing up the Xbox build to get it ready for certification.

Hopefully the above specs match your machine and you can give it a go :)

In any case, thanks again for inquiring. Fly Safe! o/

(2 edits)

Arc Savior is a 3D Space Combat game reminiscent of Starfox and Freelancer. It is narrative heavy, containing three separate stories with intertwining characters and events. It was released on the 31st of January this year.  I made this game in memory of my father. He passed away a good few years ago, and was the one who got me into gaming. He loved space games so I figured I'd try and make one for him. Page


  • Engage various threat types, defend and destroy massive structures, adapt to a variety of attack patterns.
  • Fight from your cockpit or take aim with your 3rd person view.
  • Fly a variety of advanced Terran fighters, from nimble scout ships to powerful interceptors!
  • Equipped your ship with an array of advanced weaponry, built for damage and utility.
  • Take structures and defense systems apart piece by piece – out wit their turrets and target weak-points to immobilize or shatter sections of their hull.
  • Jump into 16 different locations, beautifully crafted, all with their own stories to tell and dangers to find.
  • Be at the center of 3 engaging stories, your efforts control the fate of your people.
  • Dual Stick Gamepad Support as well as being fully optimized for mouse and keyboard.

Patch 1.0.8 Notes:


  • AI Ships have had their accuracy reduced slightly. 
  • Controller/Joystick feel has been changed: Previously players have reported the controls for aiming were too "twitchy" even at low sensitivity settings. To correct this, the reticle (only for joystick usage) has been set to the center of the screen for a easier aiming experience. Setting a low sensitivity now correctly lowers the player rotation speed. 
  • Reported that some players were unaware that modules could be chosen after selecting a different ship. To correct this, upon selecting a ship the available modules will flash reminding players to choose before moving to the next screen.
  • Added "Skip Cut Scene" button mapping in the controls map menu. To support this, a message will display when a Cut Scene can be skipped.

Bug Fixes:

  • Occasionally enemy AI could get stuck on objects. A fix has been implemented to address this, but will still be monitored in case further adjustment is needed.
  • Fixed Spelling Error for DATA THIEVES mission menu button. *facepalm

Thanks Tigru,

There's no download available yet. It will be released in January. 

i just wanted to get feedback on the media and description. My eyes are horrible with color so I'm not sure if the pallet I chose for the page is complementary.

Good Evening Peeps!

I'm new to these parts, although I have perused here and there :)

I'm looking for suggestions or feedback as to how to make my page look as good as it can.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated!