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A member registered Apr 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Aw man... it looks like a really fun game that I'd like to play and support, but my machine can barely play it on lowered graphics settings. Idk, maybe if I tune up my setup it could work. Right now I'm on an AMD quad-core 3.6GHz with 24GB installed RAM. Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 730. No idea which part I'd need to upgrade or tune. Might even be my driver settings.

I have no idea what I just played. Was there a point to it that I missed?

In  my playtesting I found the best approach was often to backtrack until I could get both characters synced up again.

I had thought to maybe add a powerup that would freeze one character in place for a short time, but unfortunately I didn't find time during the week to implement it.

There are six levels total.

Thanks. And yeah, in future I need to remember if I'm making it mobile compatible it's probably a good idea to design for mobile first. Text and button size make a difference.

Yep, it's one big particle emitter. No gravity but a small starting velocity, a small sprite texture scaled up x2, a random angle and slightly random direction, one-shot with some explosiveness.

It does mean that I don't switch the entire scene on changing levels, just the "level" node gets swapped out, but the particle emitter node is outside that so it hangs around.

There's also a couple of particle emitters on the tree, and one that triggers when the player gets squished. Same sprite, just played around with the settings.