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A member registered Jun 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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It is not VR, try other buttons

That is a note

Red Alert!!! We got a sweetheart over here!!

What does it mean to win? Do not stress, corn can be difficult to navigate, don’t beat yourself up. Thank you for your time and comment Joe!

Thank you Computer James, means a lot as I’ve been a big fan of you for awhile now!

If I get some time in the future I’ll look into making it playable without a numpad, in the meantime anyone who’s keyboard supports numlock should be fine as well (untested).

WHISPR is 100% narrated (including menus), as there are no visuals or graphics : )

It plays very untraditionally. Requires 2-6 players since there’s no matchmaking. With this one I wanted to see how a game that provides user feedback entirely via spoken audio queues feels.

Essentially, after a player joins a lobby, menu/ui is handled entirely via numpad functions (press 4 to hear your current health, etc.), right click to hear what’s in aim and how far away (west wall 5.43, etc.), otherwise the game has got relatively traditional FPS controls, but an emphasis on players having to use their ears

Full controls are as follows:








The game was built with the completely blind in mind, there are 0 visuals, xoxo

(1 edit)

whispr phone…


Thank you for the kind words! There is a similar long-form project in the works atm! Hope you have a great day : ) 

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed my strange little adventure

Thank you! Means a lot to me that you enjoyed it : ) 

Thank you! I hope we can all be a little bit kinder to our computers from now on

Thank you for checking it out! Happy to hear you finished it!

Thank you! had a lot of fun making this one 

Thanks for the feedback : )

Thanks! Appreciate it!

Thank you! means a lot!

Really enjoyed playing around with this one, great sense of style! Had the same tomato glitch an earlier commenter mentioned. but otherwise a pretty smooth experience. I found the screenshots helped guide enough of a tutorial : ) 

I like this a lot. Really nice to have a game like this allow for figuring stuff out on your own. I like the map building over time. I want to know more about the world. 

For next steps I think sound would work wonders, helps make everything feel more impactful. 

Good stuff!

Fun aesthetic, great soundtrack. Levels were designed well, open but not confusing, gives the impression that speed runners could have a great time with this one. 

Add fullscreen pls

Very cool, Impressive that you were able to build this in two weeks! Many interesting directions you could continue to take it in

Very interesting, I liked the style, voice acting was a great touch. Dialog was good too. 

Very pretty animation, the industry needs more experiences like this :) 
(imo remove the jump button)

Beautiful. Was very impressed you modelled the inside of the apartments, favourite parts were finding the radio, and exploring the alleyways. Hope work is enjoyable for the lil fella.   

Completed it, wouldn't say it took longer than 5 minutes. I think a part of that was because at this stage the only puzzles I encountered were incorrect entry reason (one question to solve) or expired IDs (quick look). 

Very pretty! Fun soundtrack too. Idk if I'm a brainlet but the final boss felt kind of unfair 

Needs more content! Screen controls were fun, as was the dialogue :)

length is the biggest pitfall, otherwise a great set up for the start of a horror game

someone obviously has been practicing on those sites that make you read faster. No UI scaling, cool art style though!!!

Thank you for being you <3 The AI on the rook; not so much.

Cool! Very difficult though. I really liked the split view mechanic.

Also, for those coming after me, here's the controls:

Shoot / Confirm: Z
Bomb: X

Adore this, from the tastefully animated noise, to the carefully curated soundtrack... if you need me I'll be working on my 3 pointer

Unbelievably pretty! Needs some extra bug-squashing love after the "metamorphosis" happens though (add terminal velocity to the flip). 

Insanely well made for two weeks! Very fun!

  • loved the camerawork during the intro
  • enjoyed the custom pieces, they all felt very balanced
  • Cool sense of style, roguelike elements were very well designed

If you're keen to expand the idea more I think the AI could do with some more work, I'd like to see them try to setup plays by predicting my next step, since currently they only seem to try to look for things they can take. Also, I think I found a bug with one of the mega units, for whatever reason he wouldn't move from his spot. 

(Cannot comment with pasted image for some reason, so here's a link

Cool! I really liked the sound design. Plus, this is super impressive for learning shaders. The nausea shader at the garage was particularly interesting in helping the tone while being an original approach imo. 

I did find myself losing twice after opening the garage door, then not losing the third time. This felt kind of frustrating because I essentially took the same route to the kitchen on the last two. So that could probably be a little more forgiving. 

and with 20 minutes to go I've added V1.3.1 with a quick fix to the tombstone pickup repositioning system. 

Just added a V1.3 with some increased timers based off user feedback.

Keeping V1.2 around though until windows smart scanner audit is complete. 

Thanks so much for the feedback, haven't really had anyone to test it with.

Just added V1.3, with all timers increased.

If the passenger is still annoying, try feeding him fuel when he's thirsty ;)