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A member registered Feb 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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midair jumps were way too difficult to be a main mechanic, maybe making the fall speed slower or other fine tuning to make it more forgiving

The controls were very difficult to use, i recommend taking the momentum based controls out since it would make it hard to stay under a station

I liked the pixel art style and the music. The controls were a little clunky and the screen was too small and made it hard to avoid enemies. My advice would be to make the arena a bit bigger and make the character either move a bit faster or be controlled by wasd

This was so fun! I loved how the different ingredients were different tracks of a song, it made the game so much more alive. The voice lines got a bit dull at times since they tended to repeat a lot but the art style and atmosphere was great.

Amazingly fun game! The controls are easy to pick up but tough to master, the enemies are fun to kill, there's tons of replayability. I really like how the enemies did a charged attack so it was easier to dodge rather than contact damage. If this game was polished with new art and music to be a bit better on the presentation side it would be a flawless entry.

It's a really fun game but the mechanics are difficult to get used to and the puzzles are very hard to complete for me. Loved the OST!