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A member registered Nov 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Cheers gov


Interesting idea, thank you for that.

Thank you! It was a struggle and I'd even go as far as to say that it may not of even been released... Glad we got it out, though! 

Thank you for your feedback, I hope you enjoyed the game!

Me neither...

Thank you!

Source control is super helpful when it works!!!! I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, though. I know how much it hurts :(

Thanks for the comment about the trees (and other scenery) fading out as to not conceal the players position, that was my doing. Glad you liked the game... What's there anyways. 

You can point the camera in the direction of which you want the fireball to go to. You gather fire (your health and ammunition) from campfires to shoot at the monster but be cautious as when you shoot fireballs, you also lose health.

I'm glad you like the games art and stuff, though. Me and Jay, the other programmer had strange issues getting version control to work for around 2 days so working on the game was a struggle!!!!!

Nice art style!

Unity 3D

Lost my job about three times... Great game!!!

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed!!

Thank you for playing! I wish you could've played the newer version, since the music was finalised and some bugs were fixed, but you played it nonetheless. So, thank you! Hope you enjoyed!