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A member registered Nov 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Good catch! I've made a new .love file for fixes made after the jam is completed, and fixed this issue there.

Yeah, someone else had that error as well. It should be fixed in the file.

I agree that the gameplay isn't very interesting. I'd hoped to add some extra complexity to it, but I didn't have enough time to add much. Maybe I'll try and make another game with the same concept, but with more time.

Thanks for your feedback!

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Hey, I took a look at the fix for that game, and unfortunately we're using different methods for jumping.  Speed it Up! appears to be controlling the player manually, while I'm applying a force to the player physics object to jump.  I don't see a way to apply this fix to my game.

Sorry that you can't play my game, and I hope that you've enjoyed the jam.

I'm glad you liked the art! I'm not much of an artist, so I was just trying to give my game a distinct visual style.

Are you able to make it onto the boat at all? I don't have a Mac, so I can't test it myself. Once you get on the boat, you can drive it from the top platform (might be a bit hard to see with the art style) with the A and D keys. 

The only thing in the game that should interfere with jumping is that you can't jump from the ends of the boat. I was lazy with the jumping logic, and it was possible to jump out of the screen by jumping right next to a wall. I should have come up with a better solution for this, but I ran out of time.

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Thanks for the comment!

Just so you know, there's no way to "win" at this game. I ran out of time and never got around to adding a way to beat the game, so you pretty much just go until you die.