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Stark Odinson

A member registered Sep 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm no programming maestro either, but given that you're using a tilemap-based system, before placing a block, you could run the preexisting pathfinding algorithm (or one from the Asset store) with the tile added in code (w/o actually rendering the tile) and if there is no path, then you can prevent the tile from being placed.

If you want a simpler method, you're already doing a check after the block has been placed, so if that check returns false, simply undo the placement. I might also consider doing tile-based movement (from tile to tile) as this would make pathfinding a lot easier for you. Just my two cents =)

Awesome game! It's simple yet extremely fun, also, the music is on point. My only suggestion would be to perhaps prevent the player from boxing the enemy in, but it does add another layer of strategy to the game. Great job!

Roles: Programmer (Unity)
Skills: Programming in C# (Unity) and basic pixel art and animations
Portfolio: N/A
Responsibilities: I can handle all of the programming tasks for the game (i.e. character movement, combat, etc )
Contact: Discord - Stark Odinson#5260, email: