While I do plan to make translation possible (the code exists for it in the engine) it is a very large requirement for a small studio to make a translation like that. It is on the "maybe" list.
Bottled Starlight
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This is a known problem, I will be putting out a patch today (if I can) or tomorrow. The issue is only on OSX and only on making a new game.
If you don't want to wait for a fix: Download this save file and places it in your Gamedir/Saves/ folder. Start the game and load the save, it's a save during the introduction. For some reason the game can't start new games but has no problem loading an existing save.
While the basic code for translations is in the game (Witch Hunter Izana runs on the same engine and is getting a Japanese translation), the actual task of translating the game is a monumental one even with machine translations and will probably take a very long time even when the game is completed, which it isn't.
There would need to be a quite dedicated Russian fanbase willing to translate the game and deal with the 100 quirks that will come up, and I don't personally have the time right now. Even a much, much smaller project like WHI took several months to translate.
Both versions have the bug. It'll be fixed in the next release, but if you really really really want to fight that one particular gravemarker:
This file should be placed in
Games\AdventureMode\Maps\Chapter 1\Trannadar Reserve\TrannadarReserveA\
(overwrite the existing file)
That should fix the bug and let you fight that gravemarker. There are lots of other bugfixes on the way but this patch may tide you over.
The only system I have available to compile on is a Mac-Mini. If you're feeling adventurous the engine is available on Bitbucket so you may be able to compile a version on the current chipset:
However, I simply cannot support OSX due to expense beyond what I already have.
Glad you liked it! Yes, new abilities from attuning charms is on the planned list. It's going to be introduced alongside Hard Mode, wherein you will then NEED the new abilities to survive. Normal difficulty will still have them so you'll have lots to unlock.
I also added some "reminders" in 1.04 about talking to Tiro to get advice. Hopefully that makes the game better going forward. Thanks for the review!
You need to find the secret area in the Villa, examine the portrait of the young girl in the building near the pond and it opens a room near the fireplace in the main hall. You'll find a spooky mask there. Follow that quest.
Hopefully you can do the rest without needing spoilers. The Gloves you need will be found during that subquest as well.