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A member registered Mar 23, 2017

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This looks so interesting! I wanna play but I really wanna be able to get the hot vampire man who wants to kill me. So I will patiently wait <3

This was so fun to play! I'm not going to lie. I'm a little bit in love with Otmund.... I just wanna hug him and give him someone to rely on UwU

I loved the teasing and the seductive vs flustered choices. I'm saving Reins' route because after that I'll have played the whole game, and I really like the writing. 

Also I can't tell, is there a poly route? Because it *feels* like there's a poly route or there's the right set up for one, but there's only epilogues for mono endings...

This was so interesting! I love how everything is tied together and I can't wait to learn more esp with book three (after playing Clive & Kay routes I'm so interested in Jaspers, and also if theres an option to... I mean if you've played both routes and talked to Inigo then you know. I really want everyone to be happy TT.TT.)

I love the character complexity, I'm really interested in learning more about everyones motivations. I also really liked how on some routes you could kinda feel the darkness of trauma encroaching in pretty hard, and how that showed up with peoples feelings on their meaning in life.

Also, I kinda wish Inigo was a romancable character... Why'd you have to make him say that with that face... Don't judge me...

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I enjoyed the demo, honestly I saw the big demon man and 'best friends' and I was sold. Like, damn <.<

I liked your art, and the running animation. I also really liked your diversity of characters. Multiple different personalities and looks are a huge plus to any game. Plus like I said I love a good demonic character :3

Tho when I tried to mute sounds (I like listening to spotify while I play) they didn't seem to mute, I still heard the hawk sound and running noises.

If you're looking for writing advice/feedback read ahead, if not please ignore what I had to say, I only wanna say it if you wanna hear it:

The writing seems a 'little' fast-paced. I'm not sure how long you're intending to make the game, so if you're trying for something short then that should work, but if you're planning on making it a little longer then it might be a good idea to let the relationships develop a little slower? It might make sense for the best friend and fugitive (since he's a flirt and also new to the party) but having everyone starting off immediately showing interest in the MC leaves the story feeling a little lacking. Like if this was how they were interacting, why hasn't anything happened sooner?

Also don't forget that it's okay to use context clues, for instance instead of saying the prince doesn't like his royal duties, maybe you could have Claudin call him prince disparagingly and Arthur look away in discomfort. Or instead of having the MC have a inner monologue about how overprotective Claudin is, have him move in front of her with Kasanov, and then when he shows annoyance at Arthur for pulling the MC away you get the context that he's a little possessive. I know you're trying to set up all the relationships and character personalities quickly, but I think adding a little more subtlety to the game would really enhance the story you're trying to tell. It might help to pull everything back a bit, instead of a growl a huff, instead of a hand on the thigh a flirtation smile, and then bring more back in areas where it feels like your point isn't getting across.

But again, all that is only if you wanted it, if this is the style you want to write in then power to you, and I wish you the best either way. ^.^

I wanna wait until the full version is out to play it, but judging from everything else this looks *so* up my alley. I LOVE the inclusion of non-binary LIs, and the flexibility of the MCs gender, it's something I wish I saw more in other games like this!

Also the fae theme looks so cool, I cannot wait to see the finished product! You bet I'm going to be jumping on that Kickstarter.

All I ask is that if you can't finish production, please let us know. I've seen too many projects go dormant with no word. I'd rather just rip the bandaid off then keep checking the page hoping for an update. (And I would def do that with this project)

I wish you health, happiness, creative juices, and enough breaks to not get burnout! <3

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I just finished both routes and they're so cute & good! Thank you for taking the time to make and release this game!! I really like the setting too. I have two questions tho... 

When is Axels route coming out? I'm so interested to learn more about him. And also do you have any desire to add side-character routes? Tristan kinda cute tho... And I wanna learn more about what Zach has hidden in his room lol.

(I'm also surprised how much I liked both of their routes, I went into this thinking I wanted to check it out but I'd like Axel best but idk anymore...)

Try to push his buttons more, be a bit more like Axel and he warms up.

You're a total beast <3

Thank you for this list! It actually introduced me to multiple new games in this vein which is really hard these days as I've scoured a lot of the web feeding my game addiction :3

Yeah they start working after a while, I'm not sure exactly how long. Is there a way to skip in the menu? That was the main loss of function I experienced as I don't think tab to skip works with the engine you used. I may have missed a button. Escape and everything else still works as intended ^.^

I finally finished this, only one route but I have no idea how I'm going to be able to go back and play another. That one choice... I feel like I can only make it one way because I can't bear the disappointment from a specific party member if I choose it another way. I tried but it broke my heart :(

This was really well made, I loved the twists and turns, the character development, all of it. You really made me care about these people. I went in thinking I'd romance one person and go this one route, then another made me care too much and I switched, and then it happened again!! Honestly I think that takes a lot of skill. I'm also really impressed with how much bug fixing work you're putting into this, but don't forget to take a break! Bug fixing is exhausting. 

All in all, really awesome game, amazing story, well developed characters. I just wish I knew what old Seren was thinking about certain things, but I guess that's the thing.

You should be proud of yourself, and I can't wait to see if you have more games planned in the future. But I hope you take a break, you deserve it!

Chapter 3 works now thank you! A few other bugs I noticed are that if I go straight to chapter three the buttons to the right of the dialogue don't seem to work for a while.


And when you're making a deal with your bffs dad, he says both the friend and the lover line when talking to the commander.

The screens are still freezing in chapter 3 ;^.^, I tried fast forwarding, saving and loading, and quitting and coming back but I cant get to the next line.

jsyk on Charlies route at the very end there's a picture missing for the main doctor dude, after Charlies psych walks in and they talk it shows up as 'image "d side" not found' and the dialogue at the time is 'He glances at the time.'

This is an interesting game, can't wait for the next installment ^.^ tysm for pouring your time and heart into this <3

Thank you for taking what I said to heart it means a lot to me that you listened <3

They're relatively common so I understand why you'd put them in without thinking about it.

If it's not too much trouble would you mind letting me know when it gets rewritten? I wont judge you for how long it takes because I get you have a life and sometimes its hard to do things. But I'd like to know so I can try playing again ^.^

I haven't played it all the way through yet, but please don't make diabetes jokes, they're very disheartening and can help spread misinformation about diabetes. Kinda took me out of the mood for the whole game tbh :/

This game made my heart hurt, really good job.

The 3rd ending killed me but the 2nd killed me even more, I really liked the best end. Very sweet, amazing art, please make more games I would play them all.

***kinda spoilers then actually spoilers***


Also Dei can totally get it, flirty but actually sweet and kinda dorky boys are my kryptonite. If you flirt with me a bunch but get blushy/bashful when I flirt back I will FALL IN LOVE. I just wanna wrap him up in a giant hug and make him feel loved. <3 Such a sweetie and his backstory is so sad. I'm glad he has an ending where his name gets cleared and he isn't remembered as a murderer and potential pedo (jeez that company dude can go fuck himself amirite?).

The 'clues' were vague and different enough that I didn't totally get what happened until near the end, which is really nice. I figured out he was a ghost early on, but with how long it went without being revealed I started to second-guess myself. I deeply appreciate games that have clues that make sense at the end but leave you guessing during, wonderful job with that imo. The different power level of ghosts was a cool concept too (does it have to do with age, or the intensity of left over feelings, or something intangible?).

His lil sis was so cute and I almost wish that there was a longer epilogue where you got to see everyone together happy family style. But the ending y'all did was beautiful and left me sated and feeling many things.

$45 down the drain TT.TT

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Oh weird, I thought I'd done that already. Thanks! <3

I would love a tip about the 7th souvenir if y'all wouldn't mind <3

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I really liked this, the concepts and relationship development was really interesting and poignant. Makes one think a lot about the world and what we can all do to make it better. 

*Kinda spoilers below*

I wanted to let you know that in Mesmeri's realm after she transports you the third time (after the social media portals) she calls you the base name even if you're customized your name. "Don't worry Yun, I promise you'll like this one!"

This happens again when getting into Lucians realm right before they enter the portal. "I think Yun means to ask if this portal is safe."

Also in my game clicking extras does the same as clicking credits. (Though I think that's on purpose as I see you say extras will be added soon)

That's all on the windows version if they're different. <3

Good luck! We believe in you! please give us another update soon <3

Hey! Just wondering if you happen to have an update for us? No worries if you're not where you wanted to be/think we want you to be or anything! :)

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Select in RenPy, click "delete persistent" allow it, and then you're good. Doesn't delete saves tho, you have to do that manually in the folder

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I love this game and it's characters!! Rafael was definitely my favorite, from beginning 'till end. I played his route first (against better judgement) because I knew I was gunna love that man, and I do, he's so precious!! Thank you so much for making this game and I honestly look forward to whatever you produce in the future!

My one thing is that I have no idea how to get ending 8, I've tried most levels of right and wrong answers, I've played through all possible race combinations, I'm not sure what I'm missing :( If you could give me a clue I'd be forever grateful! Thank you!


Oh! I forgot to say I really liked the character customization and how it actually impacted the story and CGs in a real way, kudos for doing that! I'm sure it took a while. It really helped up the replay value, I'm a completionist so I try for every ending, but the different dialogue helped keep me in the story! Really good job.

*screams* I just finished the Demo and this is so good! I can't wait until the full game comes out! Ahhhhhhhh!

God this game played with my heartstrings. I cried after, and I got the happy ending, haha. Please continue to make games, especially if they are like this. I love the kinda constant question of Silas' humanity. It reminds me a bit of a VN that I cant remember the name of that also includes androids learning to love. Its always been an interesting concept to me... What humanity is, and what can have emotion. 

Anyway, it was an awesome game, thank you so much for sharing it with us.
