We'll definitely rework English in later updates, as his fight is a little unfair against close combat opponents. Unfortunately he fell into the trap of lacking budget/time, as his fight was originally supposed to be more like Jade, with rapidly moving around the field and less effect-based attacks, so we will definitely be taking another look at that in the future (maybe a multi-stage boss fight?). I'm glad you enjoyed Kanaya's rear damage ability, we only introduced that last second as we felt her character deserved some sort of high-damage attack (also chainsaws are just objectively cool). We're really glad you enjoyed it, and we hope you enjoy future updates as well!
Starving Artists
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We will absolutely fix our tutorial system, one of the things we wanted to implement was a testing room, but we ran out of resourses. If you look through our tutorial menu, you'll see that some of the move triggers have directional indicators next to them, which is supposed to show B + stick input, for example. As far as your comment on Roxy goes, she uses a Mana system indicated by her Super Meter to summon her objects, such as her perfectlygenericobject-punch, or perfectlygenericobject-drill; so we will definitely put in some reworking to make that more obvious in the future. As far as your melee characters, we're always looking for notes as to how to improve the balance. What would you suggest we try next?
I'm so glad you figured out the Jade strat! I had a lot of fun making her as broken as possible (she's seriously under-used in Collide, and one of my favourite characters, so I felt justified in over-correcting haha). The main fights are supposed to be easier than the Cond, as the Cond would be controlling 5 People at once, and output would naturally suffer, as opposed to her full attention in her actual fight.
Could you elaborate on which characters you found lacking? We tried to give each character a unique playstyle, but its very likely we flubbed a couple, so feedback will always be welcome
Apologies, but the game was designed for controller use only. At the beginning we tested keyboard support, and found that it detracted from the overall gameplay experience, while also feeling unintuitive and generally clunky. The game may still receive updates, and in the future we may add keyboard support if we can find an organic method of implementation, but in its current state you will require a PlayStation (3 or 4) controller, or an Xbox (One or 360) controller