Very cool! This is the best Construct 3 game I ever saw.
Hope you will win the Jam and keep on working on this game!
Thanks for it, great fun...
Great game!
Had some problems with save/autosave when the game crashed in the browser. Lost several hours of farming.
Is there any possibility to see when the game saved last while playing?
But again: This game is really cool.
Great graphics, lots of upgrade options, and good long-term fun so far.
Please keep up the good work and I wish you much success with the game!
Never tried.
If you get it to work with one cookie it's maybe worth a try.
ms = new MemoryStream();
xmls.Serialize(ms, gd);
var helpcvalue = Encrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()));
int helpcvallength = helpcvalue.Length;
int helpcvalAnzahl = (helpcvallength / 4000);
string[] helpcvalsplit = new string[helpcvallength];
setCookie(gd.GameName + "A", (helpcvalAnzahl + 1).ToString(), 500);
for (int i = 0; i < helpcvalAnzahl; i++)
helpcvalsplit[i] = helpcvalue.Substring(i * 4000, 4000);
setCookie(gd.GameName + i.ToString(), helpcvalsplit[i], 500);
helpcvalsplit[helpcvalAnzahl] = helpcvalue[(helpcvalAnzahl * 4000)..];
setCookie(gd.GameName + helpcvalAnzahl.ToString(), helpcvalsplit[helpcvalAnzahl], 500);
RetVal = "Cookie OK: " + gd.LastSaveTime;
catch (Exception)
Still love your game and look forward to future expansions.
Three small notes...
Sometimes you go negative when buying with “Buy Max”. (See screenshot) Maybe your formula is missing a -1 or there is a rounding problem.
The buy all button in the main UI would be more pleasant for me if it were under the purchase type selection (screenshot)
With the Gift prestige you lose the Favor Buy All button, which is a bit annoying because you then have to do everything manually again until the first Favor prestige.
But again: A wonderful game, great graphics and you can see the love you put into the development! Thank you for that!!
Thanks for your comment.
I am very happy that you liked the game.
After playing all reincarnations, they will be chosen randomly.
So the game goes on (theoretically) endlessly. With more bonus and higher requirements.
However, you should continue with your current reincarnation until you have exhausted everything. Then it goes very, very quickly to prestige.
You have to see that once. :-)
Nice little shooter! But where is the idle part? Is there a long-term goal that I just can't see?
If I lose the level it starts right back where I was. No chance of progressing in the long term.
The most upgrades are at the limit so it seems that the game ends with endless repetition at the moment.
But the start is really very nice and you can certainly make a nice "long-term" game out of it.
Keep it up!
it's a bit sad that many released games get lost here because they're released at the wrong time.
I know there is a filter for games 'not in jams', but how many players use it? Your (Itch.IO) stats might tell you something about it.
The effect I see is that the visibility of a game, that the developers had invested weeks or months of their time in, sometimes goes to zero when just a 'program something in 2h about xy topic' started at the same publishing time.
This then leads to the fact that many (there are of course exceptions and wonderful games in the jams) unfinished, prototype or even bad games ensure that the 'serious' releases slide down in the all-important first few days after release.
So my suggestion would be to set the 'not in game jams' filter as the default.
If the jam developers are convinced of their game and have it in a state to present it permanently, they could maybe (supported by Itch.IO) additionally flag it as finished somehow.
I hope I don't offend anyone with my opinion, but I wanted to put it up for discussion.
Thanks for reading and hopefully some other opinions on this.