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A member registered Dec 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game is very cool! 

I'm looking forward to further development and hope you keep it up.

Thanks for the great gaming experience!

I like the graphics!


1000 clicks for the first upgrade? 

With that upgrade and tendonitis waiting 33 minutes for the second upgrade?

Sorry, I didn't. I decided to make it more comfortable for the majority of the players and leave it with GZIP.

Maybe a workaround could be to publish one build for Windows and one for Mac?!

I like it! A little more content would be great. So the usual things like prestige, challenges, etc. At the moment it's over very quickly but the game definitely has great potential. Please keep it up.

I like it. :-)

What it needs:

More content

Show Gold on the main page and maybe an indicator if you can afford something

Balancing (e.g. Axes are too cheap or strong, same with factories, ...)

Why buying land when there is an auto replant?

Keep work on it!

Never tried.
 If you get it to work with one cookie it's maybe worth a try.


        ms = new MemoryStream();

        xmls.Serialize(ms, gd);

        var helpcvalue = Encrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()));




            int helpcvallength = helpcvalue.Length;

            int helpcvalAnzahl = (helpcvallength / 4000);

            string[] helpcvalsplit = new string[helpcvallength];

            setCookie(gd.GameName + "A", (helpcvalAnzahl + 1).ToString(), 500);

            for (int i = 0; i < helpcvalAnzahl; i++)


                helpcvalsplit[i] = helpcvalue.Substring(i * 4000, 4000);

                setCookie(gd.GameName + i.ToString(), helpcvalsplit[i], 500);


            helpcvalsplit[helpcvalAnzahl] = helpcvalue[(helpcvalAnzahl * 4000)..];

            setCookie(gd.GameName + helpcvalAnzahl.ToString(), helpcvalsplit[helpcvalAnzahl], 500);

            RetVal = "Cookie OK: " + gd.LastSaveTime;


        catch (Exception)



In my workaround I split my savefile into several cookies. This allows you to bypass the memory limit.
But of course that's not a nice solution either.

Hi Paul, 

Thanks a lot for your solution.
I will try this with my next game.
Looks much easier than my workaround and should avoid a lot of problems on other webpages as well.

Thanks again and kind regards,


Still love your game and look forward to future expansions.

Three small notes...

Sometimes you go negative when buying with “Buy Max”. (See screenshot) Maybe your formula is missing a -1 or there is a rounding problem.

The buy all button in the main UI would be more pleasant for me if it were under the purchase type selection (screenshot)

With the Gift prestige you lose the Favor Buy All button, which is a bit annoying because you then have to do everything manually again until the first Favor prestige.

But again: A wonderful game, great graphics and you can see the love you put into the development! Thank you for that!!

I like the game very much. The graphics are beautiful, the gameplay is what I expect from a clicker/idle game, and the balance seems just fine. What I don't like: The 1 hour timer is a bit tight to see what happens after the prestige. But overall: Very well done and keep it up.

(1 edit)

Very nice game! 

Show me your results. Here is my best so far:

I like the game! It would be great if after an incorrect answer (not that that would ever happen to me) you could see which answer would have been correct.

Oh, that's sad. 

Just send me an e-Mail with the last Karma level and I can generate an importfile for you.

Thanks for your comment.

I am very happy that you liked the game.

After playing all reincarnations, they will be chosen randomly.

So the game goes on (theoretically) endlessly. With more bonus and higher requirements.

However, you should continue with your current reincarnation until you have exhausted everything. Then it goes very, very quickly to prestige.

You have to see that once. :-)

Very very cool! Surely you won the private jam with it. :-)

If you work on the balance a bit more, gain some more upgrades, add some long-term fun and a prestige system, it will become a class A game.

Keep it up. Hope you continue with the game.

A really nice game.

I like it very much!

Short question: Does it make sense to do a 'Ichor Prestige' after getting the idle Ichors? Don't see the sense in it yet.



PS: I will buy you the coffee as soon as I got enough revenue with my games to afford it. Sorry :-)

And with a great performance! No delays in the game... :-)

(1 edit)

Hooray, I got the first rating for 'Pirate King'. 

It's always nice to get feedback on your work. :-)


the build with the Brotli compression doesn't start for me. Maybe you should try Gzip for itch?

Looking forward to play your game. :-)

I love games, where you have to click to get carrots! :-)

this is just a promotional page for a game but no game. 


Nice little shooter! But where is the idle part? Is there a long-term goal that I just can't see? 

If I lose the level it starts right back where I was. No chance of progressing in the long term. 

The most upgrades are at the limit so it seems that the game ends with endless repetition at the moment. 

But the start is really very nice and you can certainly make a nice "long-term" game out of it. 

Keep it up!

it's a bit sad that many released games get lost here because they're released at the wrong time.

I know there is a filter for games 'not in jams', but how many players use it? Your (Itch.IO) stats might tell you something about it.

The effect I see is that the visibility of a game, that the developers had invested weeks or months of their time in, sometimes goes to zero when just a 'program something in 2h about xy topic' started at the same publishing time.

This then leads to the fact that many (there are of course exceptions and wonderful games in the jams) unfinished, prototype or even bad games ensure that the 'serious' releases slide down in the all-important first few days after release.

So my suggestion would be to set the 'not in game jams' filter as the default.

If the jam developers are convinced of their game and have it in a state to present it permanently, they could maybe (supported by Itch.IO) additionally flag it as finished somehow.

I hope I don't offend anyone with my opinion, but I wanted to put it up for discussion.

Thanks for reading and hopefully some other opinions on this.




Great. Please send me a mail so I can contact you when the time comes. (Soon :-))

Thank you for the comment and especially for looking 'beyond the surface'.

It's not a bug. :-)

As with the PP, there is also a logarithmic formula behind it. That means for the first generators you get the underlying item almost 1:1 and to increase the growth rate you need more and more generators.

The formula behind it: (int)Math.Ceiling(1 + Math.Log(gd.Level[i],2));

I'm looking forward to your next post.  And if you have time, I'd like you to be a beta tester for my next game. :-)

(1 edit)

Thanks for your comment!

This text will not change.

After Reincarnation you get a (non-visible) Karma level factor.

Thanks a lot for your comment!

You're right!

But it makes a big difference with Generator Items...

That's what I like most at this game.
You CAN do a lot, but some choices are better than others.
That's karma. :-)

On my own behalf:

I got my first ever rating for my games on Itch.IO and I look like the cat that got the cream. :-)

Feedback is extremely important for me to see how I can make my next game better.

In the rating, the player says he would like speed increases on certain numbers of upgrades.

In case anyone else is wondering:

I deliberately didn't program it because the PP makes it possible to completely adapt the game to your own needs. (income, speed and price)

Hope you still enjoy it.

I think I found the reason, but am not sure how to handle it.

I asked the community for help: 'Community'

Maybe somebody there has an idea how to solve the problem without making it worse for all the web players.

(1 edit)


I got a comment that my game 'Dark Idle' doesn't run with the itch app.

To be honest I didn't test this before publishing the game.
I tested for weeks in several browsers but didn't even know that the itch app exists. :-)

The error when starting the game in the app is:

Of course I could build the game without compression or activate the compression fallback:

But this would result in larger download files and longer startup times for hundreds of players to make the game playable for at the moment approx. 10 players who uses the app.
In my opinion this isn't worth it but maybe there is a different way to solve this problem I just don't see.

Has anybody an idea and can help me with that problem?

Kind regards,


Thanks a lot for your comment!

To be honest I never tested the game with the launcher.

I tested different browsers for weeks, but only with the direct link to 'Dark Idle'. Is it possible for you to play there online?

I'll take a look at the launcher issue and see if I can fix it.

Thanks a lot for your comment!

The PP per Prestige level increases with a logarithmic function. This means that the curve is strictly monotonically increasing, but the gain is getting smaller and smaller. When the PP doesn't increase (noticeably) anymore, it's time for a prestige.
You can get more PP on the next run.

Don't be disappointed, it's bad for karma. :-)

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for your comment!

The game will show you an indicator as soon as you can do a reincarnation (it's after reaching Prestige Level 8). 
If you try the reincarnation before lvl 8 the game will tell you the min. requirements.

You don't have to reincarnate then but I would recommend it. :-)

Have fun playing 'Dark Idle' and please tell me your opinion after the reincarnation.

Hi Turdl, nice start. Even if my eyes hurt a bit now from the shaking turtle. :-) 

Work on it and make it a bit longer. I finished it in a couple of minutes.

Also it would be fine to see what the updates are for after buying the first one.

Go on with making games and I'm looking forward to your next one.