Yes... it is correct
Recent community posts
You should have posted this to the bug section... why you ask? Because it's a problem that many players are experiencing... and there's no way, at least now, to solve this problem. (Try closing the shop when you see that too many people are entering. That should get them to go away... for a while...)
I don't think you're experiencing a bug of some sort... let me explain. The shield is made of four DIFFERENT parts in total. The wood part, the perimetral part, the disc part, the handle (type 1) and the second handle (type 2). In order to create a shield you have to put toghether this exact components and just one for each. You're handle problem, I think, comes from the fact that you're trying to put toghether theese pieces in the wrong order or that you're trying to attach two of the same handle... try to hit the heated handle (the one that appears after the disc) another time and you'll get the second handle (type 2). In that case that one will surely attach to your shield. Don't you worry.
Dasius... eventually I had to quit playing... Every new save file was a useless hope ruined, sooner or later, by a new gigantic bug... I really like, as many I think, the concept of your game... IT'S COOL MAN. It's just too buggy right now... I can't play it...
I'll wait till the next big update and/or release of my little blacksmith shop... untill then that's my suggestion:
"Keep doing what you love guys and the others will show you that they love what you do"
P.S: READ THE BUG REPORTS MORE CAREFULLY BECAUSE OH MY GOD! Just put more attention into that... ok?
p.s.s... i literally mean: stop focussing on adding new stuff to make your fans happy... focus on what you've got already, make it clean as water asap ok?
And THAT'S how you get to reset your save file folks!
Alpha 0.1.0 64 bit
Playing on windows 10 64 bit
Started an "easy mode" file... ended up at day 8 or 9 starting with 40 ingots of copper and... by the end of the day... this happened... save file unplayable.
I'm theorizing of course... but... is like the game generates customers based on the amount of materials you've got

Hi Dasius... I just downloaded the game and started playing and that's what happened:
1. I'm running the free - Alpha version (0.1.0) 64 bit - of the game found on your itch page;
2. And no I'm not talking about any error message of any sort;
3.This is what I'm talking about ^;
4. I just downloaded and started the game, opened the shop, then received my first client and pressed the "Z" button to chose the hammer form. IT WON'T LET ME DO IT! If i hold Z my mouse icon will appear and i'll be able to move it around freely while the game freezes... as long as I keep pressed Z of course. In fact the term "freeze" is not completely correct... is more of an "escape button" idk if i'm explaining my self correctly or not;
5. I'm running the game on Windows 10 - 64 bits.
PS: my computer matches the game requirements don't worry about that.