I managed to do it, however the Overall rankings just match the Primary ranking instead of being the average.
Will need the overall to be recalculated.
Recent community posts
I hosted a jam and set the results to be private for the time being.
I noticed the lack of the Overall rankings and could only find them per criteria, and when looking into it I found that the other host who set the page up had erroneously set one of the criteria as Primary, making it so the Overall was not calculated.
Is there a way to have the Primary flag removed on the criteria so we have Overall rankings, and barring that, how would I manually calculate overall rankings?
Thank you.
I have been trapped in this forest for 50 years.
Stuck on a unicycle, unable to dismount.
Two miniaturized monkeys shift the pedals as I continuously bump my head against the ground. I can do naught but watch the blood ooze out before I return by death.
The music plays in my ear, that distant melody of piano and wind instruments constantly grating on my psyche. Upbeat and unchanging, I may not be able to endure it for much longer.
A figure in the distance beckons me, but the moment I approach I am sent off again, surrounded by even rougher terrain.
One day I will see your face. Please wait for me.
For all I can do...
For all I will do...
is cycle.