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A member registered Feb 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ok thanks, for the review I am a pretty new at making games so I will try my best to make it  less garbage. 😆

  • Godot has weird HTML5   problems so that is why I did not add sound effects to the web version.                                                                        but the But Windows/Linux versions do.

All other bugs  seem  to be completely fixable so I will get on it.

Nice simple game.  😃

Please try my game out and let me know how you think it could be improved. 


Obstacle Dash <--Game

(2 edits)

So my Game got published about 6 days ago and for some reason it has not been indexed yet.    I do not know what I am doing wrong I have read all the documentation about publishing my game and have followed it.  so please comment on what I am doing wrong.

Sorry you guys probably get this question 1,000 times a day by morons like me.

Awesome game I really liked it.

ok thank you.

(1 edit)

Hey,   I got an email about  2 days ago saying that my game was published and I should see it in the recently added  section.   But I still can not search or browse for my game ..     Please tell what I am doing wrong.  <<- my game