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A member registered Mar 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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nice game! this game is all about the level design, and you had some good, clever rooms in there. nice use of the theme to make something fun and engaging. well done! 

If you find the time in the next day or so, feel free to play/rate our game as well :)

really interesting idea. The lack of visibility outside of that one-dimensional view increases a foreboding sense of tension, and stress, which builds as the game spawns more enemies. Speaking of which, the enemies can be a little aggressive at times, but the state of the game after the 48 hours is fantastic. Really strong adherence to the Jam's theme too. good job! 

P.S. If you find the time to give our game a try, we'd love some feedback as well :)

(2 edits)

wow. I really enjoyed this entry.  the gameplay system feels very complete. As soon as i figured out how to use the green symbols to drop more, the game opened up and revealed a deeper layer of strategy. This, paired with clean UI, attractive colour palate, and puzzle-pensive music, this is a well designed, simple puzzle game worthy of app-store treatment in my eyes. With regards to the Jam theme however, other than using only one input, its not immediately clear to me how else the theme was interpreted. either way, this is a tight little puzzle game experience, and I'm eager to see where you take it. fantastic job. well done. 

if you'd be so kind as to give our game a try as well, we'd appreciate it :)

i love how absurd this is. Despite being fairly difficult, I felt the "one more try" mentality while playing and enjoyed playing it. well done! there's also a strong adherence to the jam theme here. the unicycle alone would have been enough, but there are many iterations of the "only one" theme on display that make this a great entry. good stuff :) 

also, if you get the chance to give our game a shot, we'd love some more feedback :)

this is a nice, simple game. As i played, i thought of how well a gane like this could work on mobile devices, allowing only one of the two shapes to be touched and moved at a time. well done

if you get the chance, please consider giving our game a try :)

This is a solid entry and really great use of the "only one" limitation. Your one-screen/ one-level is designed well and has a very clear flow from top left to bottom right. The placement of platforms that restrict backwards movement forces the player to try out different paths in order to collect the keys. Feedback: The game's difficulty curve is maybe a bit too gentle. As a result, it can feel a little repetitive. Consider introducing more keys sooner. Especially if they're in similar positions as previous levels.

and also, thank you for playing our game Impulse and leaving such a wonderful review :)