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A member registered Aug 26, 2020

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Lol I getchu ^-^

Ohhhh okay I thought the update would be at the same time as the changelog lol

Changelog is from 1hr ago but latest game update is still 18hrs ago?

9/10, 2/8
Can't figure out what to do with the chips, and the only files I could find were the example one on the one note, and the one from Eta
Neat little game even though I can't seem to find anything else lol

More so we're saying, we don't care what it takes to get a cheat/debug menu, we'll even take a jumpscare every time we use it lol. But honestly, yeah, the hundreds if not thousands of popups plus notification sounds with them is probably going to amount to the same thing on first use lmao, unless the menu itself bypasses it for performance's sake.

You know what, I'm heartily encouraged by the fact that at least one other person feels the same way as me. And sure, maybe just as a fun little thing, it SHOULD jumpscare us. As long as we get such a menu/mode, I'd be plenty happy either way. I'd very much enjoy having a way to unlock EVERYTHING since I simply don't have the spare time to sink into this game to grind away at all of the content available. I saw elsewhere that even just to grind all of the weapon cards alone, with perfect luck on card RNG, it would take 17.5 hours. I just don't have that kind of time to sink into a NSFW game, as enjoyable as it can be. It would be a huge boost to be able to access all of the content as desired, and just continue to play a match or three here and there when I'm able to find the time.

Call me a lazy little shit if you must, but the RNG/grind feels a bit much, especially with so many cards and such to unlock. Will there ever be a "cheat" or "debug" mode/menu added for those of us who want it, whether for this version or for the Full version in the future?

Ahh understood, didn't even realize there was a Discord server, let alone that the new Patreon stuff would be in it and not on the site lol. Thanks!

Understood, didn't realize there was even a Discord server lol. Thank you! (times two; the fast hotfix is appreciated as well!)

Seems there's a bug where the wolf gets you even with the curtains drawn and lights off now? I did 3 runs and kept dying first night because no matter what, the wolf just got me the second she got to the window, even if I pre-closed the curtains and turned off the lights before she got to the window (and yes, I had the door closed all three times lol). Also, unsure how to claim the Patreon exclusive outfit in the new update; clicking the button next to the outfit when it's selected in the Customization menu does nothing, and I can't use it in-game. Finally I don't see where the new face options are that were mentioned in the update notes.

I'm aware - I wouldn't be asking about the Patreon exclusive stuff if I wasn't subscribed lol. But despite being subscribed I still can't access the outfit, nor can I find the new face settings mentioned in this update's notes.

(1 edit)

How do I unlock the exclusive outfit? Clicking on the Patreon button next to the selection in the Customization menu does nothing; I assumed it would confirm backer status via redirect and sign-in. Or is there a separate build being uploaded over there? Also, I'm not sure where these face settings are supposed to be? Because I don't see anything other than Gender, Outfit, Hair, and the color sliders in Customization, and nothing new in Options.

You wrote tomboy, but I first read femboy, and now if this idea of new characters to play against comes to light... well, y'all can already tell what I'll be asking for lmao. Makes me wonder though, what possible animations and such could occur for futa or femboy characters since they've got extra "hardware" that could be targeted ;3

Thank you!~ ^-^ Neat to know that tentacles were an idea already - I kind of guessed that the chains and dildos were sort of a thematic "recolor" as it were from tentacles just by how they act - but glad to know you liked my ideas :3

So are the updates basically just backend stuff then? Because I'm not noticing much of a difference between them and I'm curious what they're doing .3.

I mean, I pointed that out. You didn't specify any of the bugs you were encountering in your initial comment. Plus, they DO work, just not immediately out of the gate. And neither are game-breaking bugs, so they don't really have much effect on how the game plays other than flavor text basically. They're definitely still bugs that should be fixed, but the dean bug is a more pressing matter just because it actually affects gameplay. I think maybe you're getting a little too hostile over comments on a porn game but that's just me :/

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Like I said, both of the "minor" ones sort themselves out relatively early in gameplay. Plus I mean, it took my second playthrough to notice the name doesn't change immediately, and I realized on the first that the different options for masturbation make literally no difference from what I can tell. Nothing is more effective than anything else, it's all just flavor. So yeah, I'd call them minor in the grand scheme of things because they don't actually affect playability. The dean bug DOES, even if it's in a way beneficial to the player, which is why I call it major.

Well thank you~ ^-^ I had some fun trying to think everything up. What suggestion(s) in particular was it that you liked? I'm curious~

You're welcome~ Like I said there was only the one bug I'd consider "major", the other two were kinda minor imo. Other than that I'm just looking forward to future updates, as per usual with your games - especially now that some of the older ones like Tyrant Simulator have broken image hosts, I yearn for more content, it's always right up my alley ^-^

A decent little text-based clicker game~ Personally would have liked to see some art, like the thumbnail for the game when it showed in my feed, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Other than that I'd like to see how it could be expanded upon potentially. Different masturbation options felt entirely identical, the pocket dimension options don't have any kind of description and as it stands impregnation is far superior to oviposition in terms of overall tentacle output, and while the corrupting friends thing is kind of a faster way to gain more orgasms, starting the club is more of the kind of upgrade I'd expect from a clicker style game with it just working entirely passively, yet it's the only one and takes a while to get to out of what content currently exists. It takes a little while to build up the orgasms necessary to start getting the upgrades in the school to get the club in the first place, but at that point it's basically the end of the content already, especially once you start getting breeders for your pocket dimension and are overflowing with tentacles. I also found it a little sad that even with the pocket dimension and it's upgrade description saying it's a way to evolve your tentacles, it's just the one evolution with two options that both only come into play at current late-game - and neither of them can work on the player. I still rate it a 6.5/10, but with a few changes, some more content, and even just with some artwork to go with the different things like masturbating, corrupting friends, the club, the dean, and the pocket dimension (though hopefully more than just those 5 things would get artwork, as demanding as that may be!), I could see it jumping to ~8/10 imo - which says a lot, because I usually get bored of clicker games fast, but I played through this twice in one sitting bc the imagery of the text actions was so good lol. As per usual, looking forward to seeing how this game might progress in the future - I'm still looking forward to updates for the Chastity Merchant and Trials of the Horny Goddess games in particular ^-^

Only major bug I noticed was that when you first successfully gain approval from the dean, you can just keep clicking the button for the skill check and gain however much approval you want right away because it stays there in the green. Otherwise there's the minor bug that the name takes a bit to actually change to what you input, roughly when you gain enough corruption to start corrupting friends, and the genitals options for masturbation don't update correctly to having a penis until you buy a body transformation, even a non-penis one - and even then you have the vagina masturbation options as well. Besides that, I personally didn't notice much else, and I've ran it through twice now, so if there's other stuff you caught that I didn't, I recommend pointing them out so they can get fixed sooner.

Hmmm, well I assume that the four new items that were already coming with the Endless Mode update will be the equivalents of the Adrenaline, Burner Phone, Bad Medicine, and Inverter from Buckshot, so thinking of new possible mechanics took a little bit but I can toss some concepts and themes/items that I'm personally quite partial to:

- Pocketwatch/hypnogoggles (not sure what they could do though besides basically being a second variant of the rope item by stunning the target in a trance where they can't help but masturbate)
- Chastity belt (perhaps it blocks the next instance of damage? maybe also makes it that using a vibrator egg will deal damage until it breaks on the next normal hit, or makes that next hit deal extra damage?)
- TENTACLES!~ (prevents you from using items until you next play a card by "distracting" and "playing" with you?)
- Demon-Nip™ or a pentagram/summoning circle (summons a bunch of imps/demons to gangbang both the target and user, dealing 1 damage to both)

Other than that I mostly have outfit ideas inspired by a comment on the main game page suggesting them: catsuits, shibari, living slime clothes, etc. each with different little "perks" lol. But that's beyond the scope of this question, and would be a lot of extra work I assume, so we'll just leave it at my item suggestions for now, since they're already a lot to consider lmao

Oh lovely! I'll have to keep my eye out next month then ^-^

I agree: it's fun hearing what happens to the player, but I still would like to see lol. A mirror or even just a little "x-ray" style popup of the dealer's view of the player in the corner of the screen would be a good way to compromise between adding player visuals and maintaining the first-person perspective (and hopefully, would require less work to implement should the dev give in to our suggestions lmao).

Ahhhh that explains it then. Sometimes it felt like the dealer would just go like 3 turns in a row first and I wasn't sure why. Doesn't help either that I'm pretty sure she'd sometimes go first even if I used a rope and/or played an ace as the last card on myself, which made me think the new hand reset all active effects and ignored the end state of the previous round - until she used ropes on ME at the end of a turn, and they persisted into the next hand lol. Also glad to hear there'll be not only endless mode but also more items in the final version! Looking forward to it - do you have a release date in mind yet by chance, or is it still too early to say?

Lovely little game - plays well, the dealer feels markedly more dangerous than the Buckshot Roulette dealer but without being TOO overbearing; really the only complaints I have are that in round 3 the dealer suddenly starts going first randomly (but not every hand?), ropes sometimes carry over into the next hand but sometimes don't (both on player and on dealer), and since the game is played in "first person" perspective, it does kinda feel like we miss out on half the fun lol. Overall though I enjoyed it ^-^ Any chance there will be an endless mode akin to "Double Or Nothing" in the final-final version? Would love to have that extra replayability and challenge :)

Your transparency and communication are both appreciated; hope your recovery continues to pick up from here! Always smart to put your health before anything else ^-^

Adorable little game~ Cara is just too cute; would love to see more of her in the future!

For the time being until the Godot rewrite is out, what's been helping me with the city softlock is getting down to where it says "1" on the bell, clicking it to skip that customer, and then either leave then or sell to the last one. Not foolproof, doesn't always prevent the softlock, but it does it more often than not for me at least. 

As many others had once said...


A little sad that the vibrator sounds are removed - I rather liked that extra bit of ambiance personally - but super happy to see fixes and some more content and future plans already! Maybe it's daft of me to ask, but any chance the sounds could be re-implemented as a toggle-able option that's just off by default or something? Love the game and looking forward to future updates~ ^-^

Similar experience here, all on Windows. Dwarven and Magic Keys swapped, tasks in city display twice in one dialogue box, tasks don't update immediately (I found opening and closing inventory would force the text to update), and specifically in the city I've had several freezes/softlocks, usually on the last couple of customers or after selecting the wrong item a few times and trying to go back to the map. Other than that it's a lovely little game with nice art; I'd love to see it scaled up into a "full" game (more than just a GameJam submission I mean, like a longer-term project) with more updates, both gameplay wise and "content" wise.

No problem; I've only been playing since I think v0.4 or v0.5 so the current way it works is the way I've always known it to be lol

Customization tab on the left edge of your screen, where the shop and inventory tabs are. You can change between Kar and Mal0 at will, and even pick different outfits (only 3 for Kar and 2 for Mal0 currently) and use sliders to adjust a couple of their bodily characteristics to match your, er, aesthetic preferences, we'll say.

Always happy to see more progress in one of your games Lavey! Excited to play the update when it comes out~

I am very excited by this news! The little previews already look amazing, so I can't wait to see a demo build somewhere down the line. Keep up the great work, Quidev :)

Precisely! Alex's note kinda threw me off, because it sounded like you're supposed to basically disable the password check, but instead you use the password check as a pointer to the password address. So once you try a code, any code, and use "monitor", there's a line above all of the hex code-looking stuff that gives you the row and column of the password. From there you can use one of the string commands to pull up the list, store the relevant string, and then use "unlock" and throw in that stored string, and bingo! Vion is unlocked, and you even get a reward ;3

Omg bless you, Lavey, truly~ I can hardly wait to see what you come up with - same as usual for your games!

As a bondage enjoyer myself, I second this notion~

Happened to me twice! In the one diagonal room that goes top right to bottom left with two bun bois.