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A member registered Jan 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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There is a playthrough for the first part, but it's not complete. I will add it after I update it. 

Здравствуйте, всё это сделано целенаправленно то бы не перегружать сюжет. Если я дам такое огромное количество выборов единовременно, то от этого будет гигантская нагрузка на обновление. То есть вместо того что бы было два варианта по 100 рендеров на каждый, будет 4 варианта по 50 рендеров, и никто не насладится обновлением в полной мере.  Я пробовал делать очень много выборов но из опыта понял, что это не рационально. Теперь сюжет более линеен, но в нём есть возможность получения различного интересного опыта, после чего всё вновь соединяется  общую картину.  

Тем более если перестараться то я просто не смогу удержать всё это в голове. Представьте, что я держу в голове каждую важную  реплику, кто с кем спал, кто в каких отношениях и т.д., начиная с первой части игры :)

И самое главное, что если в вашей игре Том не знает, что у МЦ член, но вы хотите этого, знайте, что это просто вопрос времени. Я очень скован объёмами обновления и не могу сделать всё что задумаю - сразу.  Но придёт время.

Perhaps I will release this as a fix, but only when a sufficient fix package is assembled for this.


the game has two scenes in clubs with different music, which one are you talking about?

I've added another download link - ProtonDrive. It is just for cases like yours. Thank you for reporting this.

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Hi, you mean public version?

Almost all the decisions you make have exclusive hidden content. in order for you to discover all the content I created a playthrough of the game. (it is located in the download folder of the current versions)

I've been looking into what you've noticed. 

Tom doesn't know that the MC became a girl by the succubus. I mean, he knows where it happened and what happened, but he doesn't know the method of the MC becoming a girl, and that's very important, so I've highlighted the text in red. 

I'm glad you paid attention to it, you will need this information in the future. 

Hmm, I'll check it out

Nothing will change in SC II. But SC I will be available for $20, $10, $5, and then sold at a fixed price as a complete finished project. 

I did what I did and there's nothing I can change now. I will finish the first part of SC soon, most likely after the current update is released.

Alzir Dominguez - Dynamic (Original Mix)

Sorry it's so late, I've been trying to find the name for a long time. 

Alzir Dominguez - Dynamic (Original Mix)

Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed the game.

But what's a V9? huh

Do you have any idea how hard it is to transfer all the data from the first project to the second?

I did it based on my capabilities.

As for statistics, all statistics in SC II are already continuously being maintained, and I hope that soon everyone will be able to see it. At the moment, I'm creating a design for her.

That's right, there is a continuation of this storyline in version 8.0. There are many unfinished branches in version 7.0.

Version 7.0 is already available to the public. Version 8.0 will be available to the public at the end of next month. 

Oh no, I just want to combine all the plot branches into one narrative line.

Sure, I wrote that I had problems with cloud storage, but I have already solved them. The android version will be available soon.

Yes, I think that in SC 2 all female characters including MC will be able to get pregnant.

yes, part two will have a similar feature.

The public version 6.0 will be released in a month+

Android for version 5.0 will be released tomorrow


Why not? ;)

Thanks, I'll take all this into account when I get back to the first part of SC.

in general, the background and text color are standard for, i just made the black background a little more transparent.

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I will try to do this

the option with two genitals is available when you turn on a futa content

not at all, since their events are intertwined


Write me your discord nickname, we'll contact you and discuss everything :)  Or write me in private messages, you can find me on the discord server dedicated to the game. 

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Heh, I'll keep that in mind.

The home page of this game says so:

Why buy?
By buying an update, you not only provide invaluable assistance to the developer, but also get the most up-to-date update that is not available to the public. 

I've changed the buy button so that such misunderstandings won't arise again. 

As for the translation, it is much better now than it was in the first part of the game Succubus Contract. But I can't guarantee that you will be satisfied and you won't find mistakes at all. What you will notice may not be noticed by others. I recommend you play SC II v.1.1Fix and make your own conclusions. Especially, you can do it for free, as it will soon become available to the public.

Hi, I think it's going to happen today. 

Perhaps when I've completely finished it. 

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Part I. And the attached image is from Part II. 

Thank you very much for writing about these errors, because the new translator was responsible for this translation. Email me on discord and we'll discuss the topic. 

in development. around the beginning of March.

Yes, that will change in the coming days.