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Stitch the snitch

A member registered Nov 24, 2022

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That makes a lot of sense, making it more subtle instead of just making a guide that just tells people what to do

What about the sperm idea? Sorry if it wasan't appropriate

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I see lots of people keep asking things, have you considered making a guide so you don't have to stop and answer them every time?

Also, I feel like it would be really nice if we got to know what our sperm was being used for, or maybe even if we could decide where it goes if you have multiple ideas

If it just me or can you no longer control your size?

Price to pay for the new animations I suppose

Nice game, gonna be expecting the next chapters

A tad disappointed you don't get to knock up the girl, but I guess it wouldn't make sense in context

Is this the forest night update, finaly upon us?

Was hoping you could dom the tiger

If you are still taking sugestions I think it's a crime no one has done a bara Quaxly yet

My man playing the game for the lore

I don't know how viable it would be to implement, but I think it would be nice if new party members retroactively got the extra stat points from sex scenes

As it stands the sistem incentivises you to skip all optional sex-scenes and only do them once you have all party members

It's not too big a problem as you don't really have to min-max in order to win combat, but it still hurts my gamer instincts

You can thought JoiPlay. You can find it for free on the play store

You will also need the RPG maker plugin, also for free on the play store

Really intresting concept, gonna give it a própria playthrough later

You can emulate it with JoiPlay, you can get it for free on the play store

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Do you mind if I ask what engine this was built with please?

Edit: Nevermind, found one of your replys below that says it's Renpy, meaning I can emulate it on mobile with JoiPlay



"Prostitution minigame"

Man I love porn games changelogs

Hey Lois, remember that time I was a horror game on


Nice. Is there anything similar with the forest night? Poor guy is still insecure even after he's ticker than most guys are long

What do you mean?

Possible bug/unintended feature:

I'm very into breeding, so I made the menstrual cicle 1 day long, but didn't bother changing the lifespan of the egg. Now most of the women I impregnate give birth to twins or even triplets

Also when recieving oral from a dom sometimes the pronouns are switched, such as "you cum, filling your throat with cum"

I think you can increase cum output by making your balls bigger in the character creator

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You know the game's gonna be good when the first thing in the options menu is "pregnancy settings" lol

Loogs good, gonna give it a try

Edit: Ended up giving it way more time than I planned to. It's very polished, full of features, and the built-in breeding sistem is a plus for me, even thou I didn't fully get how it works

The thing is, this suffers from the same problem of most porn games, in that I eventualy just wanna get to the porn, and the gameplay ends up mostly getting in the way

On a second playthtough, the game is a lot more customizable than I realized. You can customize what NPCs are alowed to do to you, meaning you don't actualy have to wrestle with the game at all (not unless you wanna advance the plot without cheating), you can just surrender and NPCs will fuck you in any way you want

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Sorry if I bothered you btw, I know it can be annoying to developers when people start barraging them with requests

Also I love the Wario pill, it's hilarious and was probably a lot of work

Hey, idea I had, it would be really cool if you could know what is beeing done with the cum you donate, like "you impregnated x women"

Should be relatively simple to implement, just a fraction of donated cum


Hello, would you mind me asking what engine do you use to build your games?

Fun game, it's fun to bulk yourself up and become hotter

But I feel like there's a lack of people to fuck once you become hot, and the numbers start balooning to the point where it's just ridiculous