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A member registered Sep 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

i’m pretty sure you use gst or utc+5 (this is a complete guess, along with the rest of my comments, take these with a grain of salt) i’m not trying to pick a fight or anything but it just kinda pisses me off when i see a comment on my game and then i click on your profile and see 50 more very generic ones on other games.

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i’m not exactly sure of your time zone, but it shows that you last modified (most likely when you downloaded) those files on the second of august at 2:53 am, while you left that comment on my game over a day ago. the dates do not match up. your time zone is ahead of mine, so it should say about the first of august. i think you just now downloaded those files.

(plus that comment wasn’t even on my game, it was on someone else’s)

hey man, glad i made your day! i’m busy for the rest of today, but i’ll be back tomorrow and i’ll see if i can get a better time than you. the race is on ;)

if you’re going to leave a comment on a game, you have to leave real criticism instead of just saying “cool flame rate mine” because that’s essentially just advertising.

I’d be surprised if you can beat my time on easy of 15 minutes ;)

Here’s my game. instead of a speedrunning game like everyone else, mine is a slowrunning game. try to stay alive as long as possible as fire closes in.

interesting concept. i felt the gameplay was a little too slippery, and also it needs sound. Some of the assets are stretched,which makes them look weird: maybe just try placing multiple. still though, good game, don't forget to rate mine.

you need to clarify if you used ai, which you clearly did.

no lose system

no stakes

no cares

no theme

no point


10/10 game

(make sure to rate mine too pls)

please actually rate and criticize peoples game instead of copy and pasting the same couple comments.

definitely not what i expected, but fun game regardless. i found the heat mechanic hard to understand and harder to master though, but I got it near the end. also the wall jump is broken and overpowered, you can spam against a wall and go flying, which is really fun actually. good job, make sure to rate my game too.

got 149 :) game was quite fun. wish you introduced double jump instead of me having to find out myself though. also I felt like enemies didn't pose much of a threat. I'm lucky I have a good computer, because this game looks great but doesn't look very optimized. great job, great game, make sure to rate mine too.

as someone with colorblindness, it is incredibly hard for me to find the branches. i ended up just randomly walking around areas, hoping that my hitbox would hit a branch. maybe make the branches rotate? other than that, very cozy game. good job, make sure to rate my game too.

good game, but maybe input could be tweaked a bit to make it less sensitive. i often walked off a table when trying to jump. good graphics for a game jam, even if they are from an asset pack (which I think they are). good job, make sure to rate my game too.

below is a spammer :( anyway this game is really fun and unique! its crazy you made all of your assets during the jam. i found the escape room ish elements to be challenging and fun. one gripe, if you don't know the code before the engine starts shaking, its extremely hard to read the note, which caused me to have to restart. great job, glad to see another ue5 user, make sure to rate my game too.

this confused me to my very core. but very lighthearted and good for the kids :) make sure to rate my game too please

doesnt work :( and thats really sad because this looks like a cool game you put a lot of time into. hopefully you can fix that up and release it after the jam, because id like to see it. make sure to rate my game.

I found the grappling mechanic really fun, but I don't really feel any momentum when I let go of it. I could have a massive swing with a lot of power behind it, and then let go and slow down to the normal walking speed, which doesn't feel good in a feel sense. very creative however, and with a few touch-ups could be a really cool game. make sure to rate mine too!

cool game and fun to play, but could use some work. maybe having the same loud sound play everytime you hit something isn't the best idea? at least it got annoying to me.

The physics are also a little hard to control. Bouncing off the walls gets hard to estimate exactly where you are going to land, which leads to more deaths. speaking of, when you restart at a checkpoint, your timer resets. I'm pretty sure this is not intended, as that completely defeats the point of the timer. also I found the two buttons "restart" and "checkpoint" to be a little weird. restart should be below checkpoint on the menu. 

The gunplay was good enough, I really liked the recoil with the shotgun, but I found it a little hard to shoot enemies, as there are almost no hit indicators or a crosshair/aiming visual at all. also I feel like you could have stuck to the theme a little more. i know when you hit the red you "overheat", but its the same basic function as most platformers, and there is nothing saying it is fire or lava or whatever.

besides all that, this game is still fun to play. good job, make sure to rate mine too!

cool game, but has some issues. i found the gameplay unique at first, but the enemies can shoot you almost as soon as they enter the screen, which makes it hard to react. it also seems like shooting an enemy doesn't cool the gun down as much as it should. also I found the wheelchair physics to be a little annoying. but its a very funny game (intro made me laugh out loud), so props to you for making it. remember to rate mine!

Was going to add more setting s but ran out of time unfortunately. Will be in next update.

Hey! thanks for rating my game. i’m gonna push an update after the jan that includes all of these things and more, but thank you for giving such good feedback :)

so far my favorite game ive rated. so simple, yet so enjoyable. i got a time of 8.21, which was almost by complete luck lol. you should definitely make this a full game, and if you do, please tell me because I want to play it. things that could use work is aesthetics and sound, as there is no sound and aesthetics are somewhat lacking. great job, make sure to rate my game too.

Awesome game. rather challenging, but movement is fun and fluid. make sure to rate mine!

very cool and unique concept, but i found the gameplay and movement to be rather buggy. still, a WebGL 3d game is nothing to laugh at. good job, don't forget to rate mine.

quite fun to play, but could use some different level design and audio. also I'm not entirely sure if the timer functions properly. good job, don't forget to rate mine.

this game is really REALLY cool and has a really creepy style. Monster model is awesome. i found the gameplay a bit buggy and hard to understand thought, so it could be improved a little on that front. glad to see another ue5 user (as there are so few in game jams). make sure to rate mine too!

pretty fun, addicting, and satisfying game! would fix up the sound a little and maybe add some variation as the game goes on, but pretty good for a jam! don't forget to rate mine.

(1 edit)

this game is honestly so cool. aesthetics and sound are awesome. few things, add tilt to wall running, bcs the camera doesn't look realistic enough, and also you can dash infinitely in the air, so you can go straight to the end immediately. i even got the best time lol. great job, glad to see another ue5 user, make sure to rate mine too!

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gameplay is very fun. wish there was sound  though. also there were a few bugs; you can use left mouse to slow down in the air, which makes the levels pretty easy, and I also clipped through the wall at the end. great start, and make sure to rate mine too!

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very cool and vibey game.

If you would like quicker action, you could try the harder modes like Hard or Impossible.

Cool game, but too hard. got stuck on thinking with fridges part.

Got 9th place ;)

This is indeed a game.

Certainly a game. Quite rough around the edges, but a good idea in concept. Could use less slidey gameplay and more precise controls

Fun game! Art is very nice, and gameplay is simple but addicting. 

Text is wrong. It's actually F.