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A member registered Jan 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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That was cool, let's hope I won't be driving our rocket when the sun explodes...

Thank you! We are happy that you liked it! The balancing is indeed out of shape, sadly we spent too much time trying to get my PC to run 6000 zombies at 60fps (this code is a mess, oh my) and we slept... That was a mistake...

Anyways, we plan to give it a proper balancing run now, with a tiny hope for a proper remake/cleanup, so you can check back in a while  ;)
Alternatively I've been persuaded that we should have a discord, so here it is:

Additionally I will try to find some colourblindness filters, we have a lot of colors that have meaning and also ones that don't, so I can see why this could be a serious problem!

That's pretty solid! I saved him on the second try... I guess I shouldn't be doing that then...

Would love to see/play a longer story this way in this style!

Thanks! But you aren't terrible at it! It's just that we failed to balance the game in time (the gameplay was finished roughly 1 hour before deadline, while we still had some crucial bugs to fix), which is mainly because this project was too large for us two to complete in 48 hours and perhaps because I slept for a little too long... Luckily, we had enough time to verify that you could indeed somehow win easy mode without a hack of sorts, so atleast that I can guarantee... But hey, the topic was out of control, so I guess we got it right :D

We will probably balance it in a few days from now, and maybe give it a proper cleanup, so you can check back in a while!
And apparently we have a discord now, you can join it here: