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A member registered Feb 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your response and rating! I really appreciate it!

(1 edit)

Thank you for your response, as well as a couple of other things, fixing the controls and adding some more polish is something I'm considering doing at a later date. 

(also glad to see other people using construct, there is no issue with using Construct 2!) 

Thank you for your feedback!

Thanks for your feedback! speeding up the game play is definitely I'm considering adding once I can update the game.

Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback, I'm planning to fix an issue with the full screen option at a later date as well as adding a different button to cut the wire

thank you for your response.  Like I said to viswah13, there was a glitch with the full screen option but will hopefully be fixed later

Thank you for your comment, unfortunately I noticed a glitch with the full screen option and had to cut it, hopefully after the rating is over I can fix the full screen option.

Thank you for the feedback

Thanks for your response! I'm glad you like the sound and art!

I appreciate your response. Encouraging the player to take risks was definitely on my mind while designing the level

Thanks for your feedback. The risk/reward mechanic was something I really wanted to emphasize

(1 edit)

Thank you! I really appreciate your feedback

definitely, I know I would be.

Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you like the art

So am I :)

Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for your response, when the jam is over I might consider adding some more levels and polishing up the game play

I appreciate your feedback, it really helps a lot!

Thank you for your response, when the jam is over I can add another button that can cut the line to stop the website from scrolling

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad my game caught your attention

Glad you enjoyed the art!

I really enjoyed the game play, finding out what each machine did made every step of the level rewarding. The sound effects and the art was great too.  The only critique I could give would be I found splitting the level into multiple areas makes problem solving a bit difficult. Over all,  its a great game.

Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for your reply!

Thanks for your feedback!

Thank you for your reply, I do agree there was some issues with the screen wrapping but didn't have enough time to fix the issue with the screen wrapping.

Thank you for your feedback! I did notice there was an issue with wall jumping when pressing W but unfortunately I ran out of time trying to fix the issue.

Thanks for the reply!

I really enjoyed the game, the movement felt really good and the interface was polished (especially for game made in 4 days). the art looked really good but unfortunately I could hear the sound or music but I'm pretty sure that is on my end. 

Thank you for your feedback!!

Thank you for your feedback, All the music, sound effects, and art were made by me but I probably should have mentioned that on the page.

Thanks for the feedback! I do agree the shooting mechanic doesn't have much of a use, I was planning to add more enemies to fight but ran out of time so right now the shooting is only really used as an extra jump.